
Dolly Katiutia Alima Afoumba


E-Mail: Afoumba@students.uni-marburg.de

  • Dissertationsprojekt

    Perpetuating Finance Imperialism: The Currency Board and the Zone Franc in West/Central Africa, specifically in Cameroon between French and British interest of power. From the 1940s to the 1960s

    In this PhD Project, I explore the process of monetary independence in Africa from 1940 to 1960. If 60 years after the decolonization, the issue of economic and monetary influence of former colonizers over their former colonies is still notable, then, the decolonization process has not brought the expected results or has simply failed. In former French and English colonies indeed, there is still a general feeling of unfinished decolonization, supported by the still visible symbols of colonialism in this case, the currency. There is therefore a process of transition or demand for an effective transfer of power from European cities to African political centres. I am interested in the political and economic mechanism of monetary transition that has led to the current debate. This mechanism occurred both in the former British and French colonies from the end of the Second World War until independences in 1960. In this respect, I first compare the debates and agreements regulating the British and French officially recognized “colonial-end” in West and Central Africa, especially the agreements around the creation of central and commercial banks as well as the laws and principles of monetary exchange regulations in areas where both powers shared the colonial administration. Furthermore, I intend to study the nature of British and French economic relationship in these areas, especially in the UN-trusty territory of Cameroon. I shall analyse how the countries regulated trade and exchange in the Anglo-French Boundaries in the Cameroonian market and the influence of these legislations on their relationships. Thirdly, I analyse the use of the currency as a tool to dominate the world economy. The strategies and policies put in place by the world biggest economies to control the world's stock exchange and to erase any external competition in their respective colonies. The aim is to examine the influence of the international trade competition on British and French monetary reforms in their colonies.

  • Curriculum Vitae

    seit 10/2019 Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Neueste Geschichte (19./20. Jahrhundert) von Prof. Benedikt Stuchtey an der Philipps-Universität Marburg

    10/2017-03/2020 Master Friedens- u. Konfliktforschung an der Philipps-Universität Marburg

    2012-2013 Deutschkurs am Goethe Institut , Yaoundé

    2008-2012 Licence et Master I en science politique ; spécialité : relations Internationales et études stratégiques, à l’université de Yaoundé 2 Soa, Cameroun

    seit 01/2015 Bildungsreferentin und Projektkoordinatorin im Bereich politische Bildung, koloniale Geschichte, Vielfalt, Migration und Integration, sowie internationale Zusammenarbeit in Schulen, Universitäten und Organisationen, in Berlin für die Initiative Perspektivwechsel e.V. und Engagement Global, in Frankfurt für Maisha e. V.

    2010-2014 Dozentin bei „Les Majors de science Politique“ in Yaoundé II , Soa.

  • Vorträge und Workshops

    ab 01/2020 "Auf den Spuren des Widerstands gegen Rassismus. Eine interaktive Geschichtswerkstatt" für die Initiative Perspektivwechsel e.V., Hamburg und Berlin.

    07/2019 "Post Colonialism and Power Structures. Economic Cooperation and Confrontation Between Europe and The USA and Between Europe and Africa. An Analysis Of International Monetary And Trade Policies." im Rahmen eines ASA-Seminars bei Engagement Global in der DGB-Jugendbildungsstätte Flecken, Neuruppin.

    04-05/2019 "Anticolonial movements in contemporary history. An example of the “front Anti-franc cfa” and the South-South solidarity." im Rahmen eines ASA-Seminars bei Engagement Global in der Jugendbildungsstätte Kurt Löwenstein in Werftphul Dorf/ B158, Werneuchen.

  • Publikationen

    Afoumba Dolly: “The Biya method. Cameroon between state and social radicalization” Abstracts der Konferenzbeiträge „Radikalisierung und kollektive Gewalt“ AFK. 9.02.2020.