10.12.2020 Marinell Falcón and Pierre Lauscher win MACIE Award of MGOW 2020
The Marburg Centre for Institutional Economics awards a prize for outstanding theses (Bachelor or Master) with regard to a topic in Institutional Economics, submitted at the School for Business & Economics of the University of Marburg.

On Dec. 3rd the MACIE-Award of MGOW 2020 was awarded in an online ceremony held by Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schulte. It was supported by the Marburger Gesellschaft für Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft e.V. (MGOW) that donated € 500 for each winner.
The winners are
- Marinell Falcón for her master's thesis "Acquisition of startups by digital firms and merger policy"
- Pierre Lauscher for his bachelor's thesis "Welchen Einfluss hat die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung auf die Bankenregulierung?".
For more detailed information, please see the MACIE website.