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About the conference - conference location

We are happy to announce the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Voice Identity: Perception, Production and, Computational Approaches taking place from the 28th-30th August in Marburg, Germany. The conference aims to bring together researchers interested in vocal identity and recognition from different disciplines such as Psychology, Biology, Linguistics, Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering.

 Through this conference, we aim to promote the dialogue between the multiple scholarly traditions involved in the study of voice. Submissions will be considered for research talks and posters. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

  • Acoustic analysis and modelling of human, animal, and synthetic voices and vocalisations.
  • Voice perception/recognition by humans, non-human animals, and machines.
  • Voice production and modulation in human and non-human species.
  • Neurocognitive mechanisms of voice perception and production.
  • Computational accounts of voice perception and production.
  • Voice research in forensic settings.
  • Ethics of voice AI and allied technologies.
  • Interaction and integration of voice and face cues in vocal communication.
  • Evolution of vocal communication mechanisms


The conference will be housed in the building of the Research Center »Deutscher Sprachatlas« (see address and campus map below). The building has a large seminar room, where the talks will be given. In a spacious foyer, there is plenty of room for poster sessions and coffee breaks. You can familiarize yourself with the building using the 3D-model available online.

Foto: Scharinger


Institute for German Linguistics / Research Center »Deutscher Sprachatlas«
Pilgrimstein 16
35037 Marburg