Main Content
Publications of the Astronomy Group
M. Raouph, A. Schrimpf, P. Kroll
Prospects of Plate Archive Photometric Calibration by Gaia SED fluxes
Annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society, Berlin (2023)
Markus Janson, ..., Lukas Stock, ...
A wide-orbit giant planet in the high-mass b Centauri binary system
Nature, 600, 231 (2021)
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04124-8
A. Schrimpf
Book review: Internationality in the Astronomical Research of the 18th to 20th Century, ed. by G. Wolfschmidt (tredition, Nuncius Hamburgensis, vol 49, Hamburg, 2020)
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 24, 546 (2021)
A. Schrimpf, F. Verbunt
The star catalogue of Wilhelm IV, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel
in "Applied and computational historical astronomy", ed. G. Wolfschmidt, Nuncius Hamburgensis, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 55, 173, (2021),
F. Verbunt, A. Schrimpf
The star catalogue of Wilhelm IV, Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel. Accuracy of the catalogue and of the measurements
Astronomy & Astrophysics 649, A112, (2021)
DOI:, preprint,
P. Gebhardt, A. Schrimpf, C. Dersch, M. Spasovic, L. Bringmann, H. P. Singh, R. Gupta and S. M. Kanbur
U-SmART: Small Aperture Robotic Telescopes for Universities
Proceedings of the Astrorob 2017, Mazagón, RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias),51, 44–46 (2019)
R. T. Mentel, M. A. Kenworthy, D. Cameron, E. L. Scott, S. N. Mellon, R. Hudec, J. Birkby, E. E. Mamajek, A. Schrimpf, D. E. Reichart, J. B. Haislip, V. V. Kouprianov, F.-J. Hambsch, T.-G. Tan, and K.Hills
Constraining the period of the ringed secondary companion to the young star J1407 with photographic plates
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 619 A157 (2018)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834004
J. Remchin, A. Schrimpf
Research on asteroids of Christian Ludwig Gerling and his students in the nineteenth century
Journal for History of Astronomy, 49(1), 83-98 (2018)
DOI; 10.1177/0021828617746805
A. Schrimpf
Victorinus Schönfeldt (1533-1591) und sein "Prognosticon Astrologicum"
Proceedings AKAG Bochum 2016 - Nuncius Hamburgensis 41, (2017), 162-185
M. Spasovic, Ch. Dersch, A. Schrimpf, P. Kroll
A study of photometric errors of two different photographic plate scans
Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, Göttingen (2017)
M. Spasovic, Ch. Dersch, Ch. Lange, D. Jovanovic, A. Schrimpf
Sonneberg Sky Patrol Archive - Photometric Analysis
Proceedings of the Astroplate 2016, Prague, (2016)
A. Schrimpf
H. Wolter - a pioneer of applied optics
Proceedings AKAG Kiel 2015 - Nuncius Hamburgensis 38 (2018), 576-587
R. Gupta, H. P. Singh, S. M. Kanbur, A. Schrimpf, C. Dersch
U-SmART : Small Robotic Telescopes for Universities
Publication of the Korean Astronomical Society, 30, 683 (2015)
DOI : 10.5303/PKAS.2015.30.2.683
Die Gerling Sternwarte
in Otterbeck, Christoph; Schachtner, Joachim (Hg.) (2014): Schätze der Wissenschaft – Die Sammlungen, Museen und Archive der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Marburg: Jonas Verlag, 85 (2014)
Die Physikalische Sammlung
in Otterbeck, Christoph; Schachtner, Joachim (Hg.) (2014): Schätze der Wissenschaft – Die Sammlungen, Museen und Archive der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Marburg: Jonas Verlag, 39 (2014)
A. Schrimpf
The first measurement of the deflection of the vertical in longitude - the figure of the earth in the early 19th century
European Physical Journal H, 39, 389 (2014)
DOI 10.1140/epjh/e2014-40055-2
A. Schrimpf
An international campaign of the 19th century to determine the solar parallax - The US Naval expedition to the Southern Hemisphere 1849-1852
European Physical Journal H, 39, 225 (2014)
DOI 10.1140/epjh/e2013-40036-2
A. Schrimpf
Die weltweit erste Messung einer Lotabweichung in der Länge
Mitteilungen der Gauss-Gesellschaft, 50, 69 (2013)
Physik - die Entwicklung eines Lehr- und Forschungsfaches an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Mikhail Lomonosov and cooperation between Russian and German scientists.
Compilation of scientific papers of a Russian-German scientific seminar, St. Petersburg, Russia; Nestor-History, 21 (2012)
A. Schrimpf, J. Lipphardt, B. Heckmann
Wiederentdeckungen an der alten Gerling-Sternwarte in Marburg
Mitteilungen des DVW Hessen-Thüringen, 2/2010, 27 (2010)
A. Müller-Karpe, V. Müller-Karpe, A. Schrimpf
Geometrie und Astronomie im Stadtplan der hethitischen Stadt Sarissa
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin, 141, 45 (2009)