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Talks and poster presentations

Upcoming talks

  • R. Berger,
    Math/Chem/Comp 2024 – 35th MC2 Conference, Dubrovnik, Kroatien, 2024.

  • R. Berger,
    3rd International Symposium on New Molecules and Clusters, Shanghai, China, 2024.

  • R. Berger,
    Eleventh Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP 2024), Qingdao, China, 2024.


  1. R. Berger,
    Electronic structure aspects of fundamental physics with radioactive molecules,
    INT Program “Fundamental Physics with Radioactive Molecules”, Seattle, WA, United States of America, 2024.

  2. M. Diekmann, R. Berger,
    Symmetries in systems of indistinguishable particles,
    Symmetries in Science XIX, Bregenz, Austria, 2023.

  3. R. Berger,
    Fundamental physics with highly charged molecules,
    Theorie-Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 2023.

  4. C. Zülch, K. Gaul, R. Berger,
    Probing P,T-violation with molecular in high charge states,
    7th European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI 2023), Schloss Bückeburg, Germany, 2023.

  5. R. Berger,
    The physics of molecules within and beyond the standard model,
    108 Reunion Anual de Fisica (RAFA), Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 2023.

  6. R. Berger,
    Highly-charged molecular ions: From aufbau principle and chemical bonding to fundamental symmetries,
    10th Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference (APATCC), Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 2023.

  7. R. Berger,
    Tailored radioactive molecules for nuclear physics,
    Seminar für Kern- und Radiochemie, Department Chemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, 2023.

  8. R. Berger,
    Relativistic effects and their role in chirality and fundamental physics (held virtually),
    Quantum Science Seminar, delocalized, 2022.

  9. R. Berger,
    Opportunities through highy-charged molecules,
    ITAMP Workshop on Laser Cooling of Molecules, ITAMP, Cambridge, USA, 2022.

  10. C. Zülch, K. Gaul, S. M. Giesen, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, R. Berger,,
    Diatomic actinide containing ions on the edge of Coulomb explosion: stability, electronic structure and tests of fundamental symmetries,
    12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists in Vancouver, Canada, 2022.

  11. R. Berger,
    Probing violations of fundamental symmetries with polyatomic molecules,
    766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: High-Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2022.

  12. R. Berger,
    Electronic structure theory for fundamental symmetry tests with molecules,
    (held virtually) Workshop: Nuclear Physics from Atomic Spectroscopy, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2022.

  13. R. Berger,
    Get the point right: Nuclear structure and fundamental physics with molecules,
    (held virtually) 57th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Universität Würzburg, Germany, 2021.

  14. R. Berger,
    Small molecules as probes for fundamental physics,
    (held virtually) Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institutskolloquium, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2021.

  15. R. Berger,
    Recent theoretical results for radioactive molecules,
    (held virtually) ISOLDE Physics Group Seminar, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2021.

  16. R. Berger,
    Intriguing properties of radioactive molecules,
    Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications (VCCA-2021), 2021.

  17. R. Berger,
    Fundamental physics with heavy-elemental molecules,
    (held virtually) Physics Colloquium, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2020.

  18. R. Berger,
    Fundamental physics with molecules: From electric dipole moments to dark matter candidates,
    Developing New Directions in Fundamental Physics (DND) 2020, (held virtually) TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada and CENPA, Washington, USA, 2020.

  19. R. Berger,
    Chiral Molecules for Fundamental Insight,
    Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications (VCCA-2020), 2020.

  20. R. Berger,
    Molecules at ISOLDE: New Opportunities for Research on Nuclear Structure and Physics Beyond the Standard Model,
    ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2019, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2019.

  21. R. Berger,
    Chiral systems in the gas phase: Absolute configuration, laser cooling and fundamental interactions,
    Chirality @ The Nanoscale conference, Ascona, Switzerland, 2019.

  22. M. Diekmann and R. Berger,
    Molecular tests of spin--statistics connection or spin-zero particles,
    Symmetries in Science XVIII, Bregenz, Austria, 2019.

  23. R. Berger,
    Fundamental physics with prototypical chemical systems,
    Seminar, Graz, Austria, 2019.

  24. R. Berger,
    Fundamental interactions and the absolute configuration of chiral molecules,
    Colloquium, Institut de Chimie de Nice, France, 2019 2019.

  25. R. Berger,
    Fundamental symmetry violations in molecules: From diatomics to polyatomics,
    Seminar of the Division of Quantum Mechanics, Department of Physics, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia 2019.

  26. R. Berger,
    Polyatomic molecules for research on nuclear structure,
    One-day workshop on studying nuclear structure and properties by means of atomic-molecular spectroscopy, NRC KI – PNPI, Gatchina, Russia 2019.

  27. R. Berger,
    Molecules as probes for fundamental physics,
    Workshop: Atomic nuclei as laboratories for BSM physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2019.

  28. R. Berger,
    Intriguing physical effects in prototypical chemical systems,
    International Conference on Recent Developments in Chemical Research, 2019, Jaipur, India, 2019.

  29. R. Berger,
    Chiral Molecules as Probes for Fundamental Physics,
    Workshop Searching for New Physics with Cold and Controlled Molecules, Mainz, Germany, 2018.

  30. R. Berger,
    Small molecules and ions as probes for fundamental interactions,
    Symposium Ion Chemistry and Catalysis, Innsbruck, Austria, 2018.

  31. R. Berger,
    Decelerated by light,
    Minisymposium Theoretische Chemie, FU Berlin, Germany, 2018.

  32. R. Berger,
    Cold Molecules as Probes for Fundamental Physics: Predictions for Diatomic Molecules and Perspectives for Chiral Systems,
    2018 Conference on Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), Athens, GA, United States of America, 2018.

  33. R. Berger,
    Molecules as versatile probes for physics beyond the standard model,
    Isolde Seminar, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2017.

  34. R. Berger,
    Fundamental Physics with Small Molecules,
    AEgIS Seminar 'Cafe Gravity', CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2017.

  35. R. Berger,
    What molecules can reveal about fundamental interactions,
    11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists in Munich, Germany, 2017.

  36. R. Berger,
    Broken parity and time-reversal symmetries in molecular systems,
    Symmetries in Science XVII, Bregenz, Austria, 2017.

  37. R. Berger,
    Nuclear structure and fundamental interactions from molecular studies,
    FIAS International Symposion on Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science, Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.

  38. R. Berger,
    Molecules as Sensitive Probes for Violations of Fundamental Symmetries,
    Conference on Molecular Properties and Computational Spectroscopy - from Esoteric Effects to Novel Probing Tools, Pisa, Italy, 2017.

  39. R. Berger,
    Nickel Boride Nanoparticles: Quantum Chemistry and Classical Force Fields for Phage Display,
    5th conference on modeling chemical and biological (re)activity, Chennai, India, 2017.

  40. R. Berger,
    Light and cool molecules – Theory for laser cooling of polyatomic systems,
    Jerusalem, Israel, 2017.

  41. R. Berger,
    Molecular probes for physics of heavy atoms and ions,
    Mini Workshop, Atomic Physics with (super) Heavy Atoms and Ions, Jena, Germany, 2016.

  42. R. Berger,
    Molecular symmetry and chirality,
    ELCH Autumn School, Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany, 2016.

  43. Gaul, Sebastian Marquardt, R. R. Berger,
    Models and methods for prediction of symmetry-violations in molecular systems,
    Workshop on Current Trends and Future Directions in Relativistic Many Electron Theories, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.

  44. R. Berger,
    Relativity and Parity Violation in Molecular Systems,
    Ninth Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP IX 2016), Grand Forks, United States of America, 2016.

  45. M. Pitzer, G. Kastirke, M. Kunitski, T. Jahnke, T Bauer, C. Goihl, F. Trinter, C. Schober, K. Henrichs, J. Becht, S. Zeller, H. Gassert, M. Waitz, A. Kuhlins, H. Sann, F. Sturm, F. Wiegandt, R. Wallauer, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, A. S. Johnson, M. Mazenauer, B. Spenger, J. Kiedrowski, S. Marquardt, S. Marquardt, A. Schießer, M. Reggelin, H. Schmidt-Böcking, J. Stohner, R. Dörner, R. R. Berger, M. S. Schöffler,
    Absolute Configuration via Light-induced Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Molecules in the Gas Phase,
    28th International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination (Chirality 2016), Heidelberg, Germany, 2016.

  46. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure from a time-independent and time-dependent picture,
    Symposium: Vibronic Spectroscopy, University of Potsdam, Germany 2016.

  47. R. Berger,
    Theory for lasercoolable molecules,
    XXth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP) 2016, Davos, Switzerland, 2016.

  48. R. Berger,
    Heavy elemental molecules as probes for violation of fundamental symmetries,
    GSI Colloquium, Darmstadt, Germany, 2016.

  49. R. Berger,
    Chirality in the Electron Cloud - Molecules as Versatile Probes for New Physics,
    Physical Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Gießen, Germany, 2015.

  50. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods: from small molecules to systems with hundreds of atoms,
    Donostia International Physics Center, Donostia (San Sebastian), Basque, Spain, 2015.

  51. R. Berger,
    Nuclear spin-dependent contributions to parity violating effects in chiral molecules,
    New Frontiers of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, ICQC Satellite Meeting, Beijing, China, 2015.

  52. R. Berger,
    Theorie und Experiment: Hand in Hand für die Händigkeit,
    German Chemical Society (GDCh) Colloquium, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany, 2014.

  53. R. Berger,
    Fundamental symmetries and their violation in molecular systems,
    XVI International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics 2014, Dubna, Russia, 2014.

  54. Nikoobakht, S. Marquardt, R. R. Berger,
    Relativity and the ion chemistry of tungsten hexacarbonyl ,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2014), Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014.

  55. R. Berger,
    The chemical bond and its bonds to fundamental physics research,
    International Conference on Chemical Bonding 2014, Kauai, Hawaii, United States of America, 2014.

  56. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry for the interface,
    SFB 1083 Colloquium Marburg, Germany, 2014.

  57. R. Berger,
    Electron dynamics in chiral systems: From structure determination to violation of fundamental symmetries,
    DPG spring meeting, Symposium Electron dynamics in chiral systems, Berlin, Germany, 2014.

  58. R. Berger,
    Chirality in the electron cloud,
    Leopoldina Symposium "Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics at the Limit" Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.

  59. A. Isaev and R. R. Berger,
    Symmetries and their violation in diatomic molecules,
    Symmetries in Science XVI, Bregenz, Austria, 2013.

  60. R. Berger and T. Isaev,
    Prospects for fundamental symmetry tests with polyatomic molecules,
    68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America, 2013.

  61. Isaev and R. Berger,
    Lasercooled RaF as a laboratory for testing fundamental symmetries,
    68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America, 2013.

  62. R. Berger,
    Non-covalent interactions: High-level quantum chemistry and multi-scale modelling,
    3rd conference on modeling chemical and biological (re)activity, Mohali, India, 2013.

  63. R. Berger, S. Brück, T.A. Isaev, Y. Xiao,
    Symmetry, symmetry breaking, and violation of discrete symmetries in molecules,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2012), Corrientes, Argentina, 2012.

  64. Isaev and R. R. Berger,
    Broken symmetry approaches for symmetry violation,
    Theory and Application of Computational Chemistry (TACC 2012), Pavia, Italy, 2012.

  65. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy: from small molecules to nanosystems,
    Chem. Phys. Phys. Chem. Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2012.

  66. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy: from small molecules to nanosystems,
    Joint Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Seminar, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2012.

  67. R. Berger,
    Handedness in Molecular Physics,
    2012 Outstanding Young German Investigator Award Lectureship, Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Jerusalem, Israel, 2012.

  68. R. Berger,
    Quantenchemie: Theorien, Methoden und Anwendungen,
    Department of Chemistry, University of Münster, Germany, 2012.

  69. R. Berger,
    Cool molecules and their hyperfine structure ,
    Colloquium Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2011.

  70. R. Berger,
    Modelling of molecular properties in diatomics: cooling, hyperfine coupling and parity violation,
    International Conference Modeling of Molecular Properties, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011.

  71. Huh and R. Berger,
    Redistribution of Thermal Excitation Energy During Vibronic Transition,
    Symmetries in Science XV, Bregenz, Austria, 2011.

  72. Isaev and R. Berger,
    Direct laser cooling of polyatomic and diatomic molecules,
    ITAMP, Boston, United States of America, 2011.

  73. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry with all forces: more insight into the structure of matter,
    German Chemical Society (GDCh) Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 2011.

  74. Huh and R. R. Berger,
    Application of time-independent cumulant expansion to calculation of Franck-Condon profiles for large molecular systems,
    Frontiers in Spectroscopy: Faraday Discussion 150, Basel, Switzerland, 2011.

  75. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure of large molecular systems,
    Rhein-Main Modeling Workshop 2010, Darmstadt, Germany, 2010.

  76. Isaev and R. R. Berger,
    Polyatomics: more than just more atomic parity violation,
    ECT*-Workshop Violations of Discrete Symmetries in Atoms and Nuclei, Trento, Italy, 2010.

  77. R. Berger,
    Chiral molecules as probes for old and new physics ,
    Research Seminar ULTRA, University of Kassel, Germany 2010.

  78. Isaev, S. Hoekstra and R. R. Berger,
    Parity violation in lasercooled heavy diatomics,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2010), Beijing, China, 2010.

  79. R. Berger,
    Chiralität, Symmetrie und Quantenchemie,
    German Chemical Society (GDCh) Colloquium, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, 2010.

  80. R. Berger,
    Parity violation in atoms and molecules,
    32nd general FANTOM study week on Symmetries in physics, Gent, Belgium, 2010.

  81. Huh, M. Neff, G. Rauhut and R. R. Berger,
    Integrated vibronic structure approach with harmonic and anharmonic vibrational wavefunctions,
    First Principles Quantum Chemistry: from Elementary Reactions to Enzymes, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, 2010.

  82. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy: From parity violation in diatomic to vibronic structure of polyatomic molecules,
    Seminar of the Nuclear-Physics Accelerator Institute (KVI), University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2010.

  83. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy: From parity violation in diatomic to vibronic structure of polyatomic molecules,
    Seminar of the Department of Molecular Physics, Fritz-Haber-Institute, Berlin, Germany, 2010.

  84. Xiao and R. Berger,
    Group theoretical considerations for dynamic chirality in achiral molecules,
    Seminar Theoretical Chemistry, University Potsdam, Germany, 2010.

  85. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods: from small molecules to extended systems,
    Theoretical Chemistry Colloquium, University of Marburg, Germany, 2010.

  86. R. Berger,
    Time-independent and time-dependent vibronic structure approaches for large molecular systems,
    Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, University of Bonn, Germany, 2009.

  87. Isaev, S. Nahrwold, Y. Xiao and R. R. Berger,
    Parity violating effects in diatomics and some group-theoretical considerations on chirality in polyatomic molecules,
    International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2009, Rhodes, Greece, 2009.

  88. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemical methods for modelling of vibrational-electronic transitions in systems with hundreds of atoms,
    Model(l)ing 2009, Erlangen, Germany, 2009.

  89. R. Berger,
    Simulation and prediction of NMR spectra of small molecules for structural and fundamental insight,
    Group seminar NMR based Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, 2009.

  90. R. Berger,
    Quantenchemie mit allen Kräften: Mehr Einblick in den Aufbau der Materie,
    German Chemical Society (GDCh) Colloquium, University of Marburg, Germany, 2009.

  91. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy: From small molecules to nanosystems,
    Physical Chemistry Colloquium, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 2009.

  92. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemical approaches for large-scale vibrational-electronic structure applications,
    Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Colloquium, University of Würzburg, Germany, 2009.

  93. R. Berger,
    Chiralität und die moderne Quantenchemie,
    Chemistry Department, University of Erlangen, Germany, 2009.

  94. R. Berger,
    Theoretical spectroscopy and fundamental interactions in chiral molecules,
    Bomem-Michelson award minisymposium, Pittcon 2009, Chicago, IL, United States of America, 2009.

  95. R. Berger,
    Electroweak quantum chemistry,
    Colloquium Theoretical Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany, 2008.

  96. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for large molecules: Franck-Condon factors and beyond,
    Colloquium Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 2008.

  97. R. Berger,
    Large-scale vibronic structure methods: Franck-Condon factors and beyond,
    Theoretical-Chemistry Colloquium, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, 2008.

  98. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for chemistry that matters,
    XIV European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Elba, Italy, 2008.

  99. R. Berger,
    2008 Hellmann Award: Electroweak quantum chemistry,
    44th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria, 2008.

  100. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for systems with hundreds of atoms,
    8th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists in Sydney, Australia, 2008.

  101. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. R. Berger,
    Electroweak effects in molecules: From diatomics to polyatomics,
    Satellite Meeting WATOC 2008, Beyond the Non-Relativistic Schrödinger Equation - From the Dirac Equation to Electroweak Theory, Auckland, New Zealand, 2008.

  102. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry and the violation of fundamental symmetries,
    Latsis-Symposium "Intramolecular Dynamics, Symmetry and Spectroscopy", Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

  103. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure and fundamental symmetries,
    Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2008.

  104. R. Berger,
    Electroweak Quantum Chemistry,
    Symposium on "50 Years of Coupled Cluster Theory", Seattle, WA, United States of America, 2008.

  105. R. Berger,
    Chiralität und die moderne Quantenchemie,
    Chemistry Department, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, 2008.

  106. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber and R. R. Berger,
    Quantenchemische Methoden zur Vorhersage vibronischer Übergänge in Subnano- und Nanosystemen,
    107th Annual General Meeting of the German Bunsen-Society in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2008.

  107. R. Berger,
    Quantenchemie jenseits der traditionellen Grenzen,
    Congress of Chemistry Lecturers in Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2008.

  108. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for large molecules,
    Institute of Physical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany, 2008.

  109. H.-C. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber and R. R. Berger,
    Large-scale vibronic structure theory: Methods and applications,
    Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique, Institute Le Bel, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, 2008.

  110. H.-C. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber and R. R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for large molecular systems,
    Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2007.

  111. R. Berger,
    Chirality in Physics, Chemistry and Biology,
    College of Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2007.

  112. R. Berger,
    Beyond traditional boundaries: Electroweak Quantum Chemistry,
    Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2007.

  113. R. Berger,
    Quantenchemie für kleine und große Fragen: Entwicklung und Anwendung,
    Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Germany, 2007.

  114. R. Berger, G. Laubender and S. Nahrwold,
    Electroweak accuracy in nuclear magnetic resonance: a challenge for theory and spectroscopy,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2007), Ottrott, France, 2007.

  115. R. Berger,
    Properties of chiral molecules: Challenges for experiment and theory ,
    Graduate College 850, Department of Chemistry and Geoscience, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.

  116. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemical description of molecular properties: Conventional approaches and beyond ,
    Workshop at the Graduate College 850, Department of Chemistry and Geoscience, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.

  117. R. Berger,
    Electroweak quantum chemistry: Do it Breit!,
    International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2006, Chania, Greece, 2006.

  118. R. Berger,
    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of chiral molecules,
    42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Erkner, Germany, 2006.

  119. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry for large molecular systems: Theory and application,
    Network of Excellence EXCELL Summer School 2006, Villa Giersch, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2006.

  120. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry for theoretical spectroscopy,
    Institute for Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, 2006.

  121. R. Berger,
    Joining forces to decipher the nature of molecular chirality,
    Computational Chemistry: State of the Art and Perspectives - An International Symposium in Honour of the 60th birthday of Gernot Frenking, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 2006.

  122. R. Berger and H.-C. Jankowiak,
    Franck-Condon/Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus-Studien zur Reaktivität isolierter Ionen und Neutralteilchen,
    Congress of Chemistry Lecturers in Hamburg, Germany, 2006.

  123. R. Berger,
    Radiation- and collision-induced chemistry in the gas phase: Quantum chemical prediction and interpretation,
    Forth Seminar Series of the Center for Scientific Computing, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2006.

  124. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry for the interpretation of mass spectrometry experiments,
    Institute of Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 2005.

  125. R. Berger,
    Quantum chemistry for a broad energy range: From decaelectronvolt to zeptoelectronvolt,
    Minisymposium on Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2005.

  126. R. Berger,
    Schwache Kraft auf zwei stabilen Beinen: Mit quasirelativistischen Schritten zur molekularen Paritätsverletzung,
    104th Annual General Meeting of the German Bunsen-Society in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2005.

  127. R. Berger,
    Chiralität und moderne Quantenchemie,
    Institute of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Germany, 2005.

  128. R. Berger and C. van Wüllen,
    Two-component approach to parity violating energy differences between mirror-image molecules,
    7th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists in Cape Town, South Africa, 2005.

  129. R. Berger and C. van Wüllen,
    Two-component approach to molecular parity violation,
    228 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium in honour of Henry F. Schaefer's 60th birthday, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America, 2004.

  130. R. Berger,
    Spiegel, Früchte und goldene Schnitte oder Rechts und Links in der Chemie,
    4th night of science, Berlin, Germany, 2004.

  131. R. Berger,
    Das Zünglein an der Waage,
    Institute of Chemistry, Philipps University Marburg, Germany, 2004.

  132. R. Berger,
    Symmetries and their violation in physics, chemistry and biology,
    Symposium of the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany, 2004.

  133. R. Berger and G. Laubender,
    Differences in NMR spectra of enantiomers caused by parity violating interactions,
    A coastal voyage in Quantum Chemistry in Tromsø-Trondheim, Norway, 2003.

  134. R. Berger,
    1, 4 and 2 components for molecular parity violation,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry 2003 in Berlin, Germany, 2003.

  135. R. Berger,
    Elektroschwache Quantenchemie am HLRN,
    HLRN-Workshop Quantum Chemistry/Density Functional Theory in Berlin, Germany, 2003.

  136. R. Berger,
    Chirale Verschiebungen ohne chirale Verschiebungsreagenzien,
    6. Steinheimer Gespräche, Steinheim, Germany, 2003.

  137. R. Berger,
    Biochemische Bedeutung der molekularen Paritätsverletzung,
    5. Steinheimer Gespräche, Steinheim, Germany 2002.

  138. R. Berger,
    Ausgerechnet Paritätsverletzung,
    Congress of Chemistry Lecturers in Cologne, Germany, 2002.

  139. R. Berger,
    Wir rechnen mit Paritätsverletzung,
    Institute of Physical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany, 2002.

  140. R. Berger,
    Strong effects of the weak force: Parity violation in ground and excited states,
    37th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, 2001.

  141. R. Berger,
    Parity violating potential energy hypersurfaces,
    Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2001.

  142. R. Berger,
    The mirror crack'd from side to side,
    Institute of Chemistry, HU Berlin, Germany, 2001.

  143. R. Berger,
    Elektroschwache Genauigkeit,
    Institute of Chemistry, FU Berlin, Germany, 2001.

  144. R. Berger,
    Electroweak quantum chemistry: The computational approach to parity violation in chiral molecules,
    C4 Workshop "Use of fast computers in molecular chemistry", ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 1999.

  145. R. Berger,
    Vibronische Kopplungen und paritätsverletzende Wechselwirkungen sowie deren Konsequenzen für Symmetrieverbote,
    Institute of Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 1999.

  146. R. Berger, C. Fischer and M. Klessinger,
    Calculation of vibronic spectra and their temperature dependence,
    Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1998.

Poster presentations

  1. Marquardt and R. Berger,
    Numerical Study of Auger Processes in Polyatomic Molecules,
    48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012.

  2. A. Isaev and R. Berger,
    Property matrix elements with symmetry broken wavefunctions,
    48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012.

  3. Westemeier and R. Berger,
    Vibrational Effects in Residual Dipolar Couplings,
    48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012.

  4. Westemeier and R. Berger,
    Vibrational Effects in Residual Dipolar Couplings,
    48th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Karlsruhe, Germany, 2012.

  5. A. Isaev and R. Berger,
    Nuclear charge scaling laws for inexpensive order-of-magnitude estimates of molecular properties,
    47th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Sursee, Switzerland, 2011.

  6. Isaev,
    Chrality in atoms ,
    Summer school: Chirality in physics and chemistry, Schloss Waldthausen, Germany, 2011.

  7. A. Isaev and R. Berger,
    Direct laser cooling of radium fluoride and molecular parity violation,
    46th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Münster, Germany, 2010.

  8. Huh and R. Berger,
    Duschinsky effects in electron transfer theory: temperature dependence of electron-phonon coupling and electronic coupling matrix element,
    46th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Münster, Germany, 2010.

  9. Krekeler, H. Elgavi, D. Avnir and R. Berger,
    Chirality of copper based clusters and nano alloys,
    46th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Münster, Germany, 2010.

  10. Isaev and R. Berger,
    RaF molecule as a prospective candidate for search for nuclear spin-dependent parity violation and direct laser cooling ,
    International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP10) in Cairns, Australia, 2010.

  11. Zhao, C. Krekeler, F. Dommert, J. Schmidt, C. Holm, L. Delle Site and R. Berger,
    Towards multiscale modelling of ionic liquids: 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride ([DMIM][Cl]) as a benchmark system,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  12. Xiao, R. Berger,
    Dynamic chirality in achiral molecules,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  13. Nonnenmann, D. Schuch and R. Berger,
    Effective description of environmental effects with possible applications to extended systems and fundamental questions,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  14. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Quasi-relativistic approach to magnetic molecular properties including weak interaction effects,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  15. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Non-diagonal matrix elements with symmetry-broken wavefunctions,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  16. Huh and R. Berger,
    Vibronic transitions in large molecular systems: Time-independent cumulant expansion for Franck-Condon profiles at finite temperature and at zero Kelvin,
    45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009.

  17. Isaev, S.Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Space parity violation in open-shell molecules,
    X Fock Conference on Quantum and Computational Chemistry in Kazan, Russia, 2009.

  18. Huh, J.L. Stuber and R. Berger,
    Vibronic transitions in large molecular systems: thermal time-correlation function and rigorous prescreening of Herzberg-Teller terms,
    49th Sanibel Symposium on St. Simons Island, FL, United States of America, 2009.
    (Poster presentation award for J. Huh).

  19. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. R. Berger,
    Quasirelativistic approach to parity violation in open-shell molecules,
    49th Sanibel Symposium on St. Simons Island, FL, United States of America, 2009.

  20. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Nuclear magnetic resonance shielding tensors: a quasi-relativistic approach including electroweak interaction effects,
    49th Sanibel Symposium on St. Simons Island, FL, United States of America, 2009.

  21. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Parity violation in open-shell molecular systems,
    44th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria, 2008.

  22. Huh, H.-C. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber and R. Berger,
    Vibronic transitions in large molecular systems: Prescreening conditions for Franck-Condon factors at finite temperatures and the time correlation function,
    44th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria, 2008.

  23. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Parity violation in open-shell molecules: a quasirelativistic approach,
    Latsis-Symposium "Intramolecular Dynamics, Symmetry and Spectroscopy", Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

  24. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Description of Parity Violation in Molecules by Effective Parity Non-Conserving Molecular Hamiltonian ,
    International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08) in Eilat, Israel, 2008.

  25. Schmidt, B. Qiao, Y.-Y. Zhao, C. Krekeler, R. Berger, L. Delle Site and C. Holm,
    Towards multiscale modelling of ionic liquids: Bulk Properties of [EMIM][Cl,BF4,Tf2N] via classical MD simulations,
    107th Annual General Meeting of the German Bunsen-Society in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2008.

  26. Qiao, J. Schmidt, Y.-Y. Zhao, C. Krekeler, R. Berger, L. Delle Site and C. Holm,
    Towards multiscale modelling of ionic liquids III: Bulk Properties of [EMIM][Cl,BF4,Tf2N] via classical MD simulations,
    Annual Meeting of the Priority Program Ionic Liquids in Bamberg, Germany, 2007.

  27. Krekeler, Y.-Y. Zhao, B. Qiao, J. Schmidt, R. Berger, C. Holm and L. Delle Site,
    Towards multiscale modelling of ionic liquids II: DFT study of Ionic Liquids -- Bridging Scales from Quantum to Classicals,
    Annual Meeting of the Priority Program Ionic Liquids in Bamberg, Germany, 2007.

  28. Y.-Y. Zhao, C. Krekeler, B. Qiao, J. Schmidt, C. Holm, L. Delle Site and R. Berger,
    Towards multiscale modelling of ionic liquids I: High-level ab initio benchmark calculations,
    Annual Meeting of the Priority Program Ionic Liquids in Bamberg, Germany, 2007.

  29. Huh and R. Berger,
    Vibronic structure methods for larger molecular systems: theoretical prediction on photoelectron spectra of RNA building blocks,
    43rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2007.

  30. Isaev, S. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Molecular parity violation in open-shell systems within an electroweak quasirelativistic approach,
    43rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2007.

  31. Nahrwold, M. Bühl and R. Berger,
    Parity violating nuclear magnetic resonance parameters: scaling laws and conformational effects,
    43rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Saarbrücken, Germany, 2007.

  32. R. Berger, G. Laubender, S. Nahrwold and J. L. Stuber,
    Electroweak molecular quantum mechanics: Analytic derivatives within one- and two-component approaches,
    Molecular Quantum Mechanics - Analytic Gradients and Beyond, An International Conference in Honor of Professor Peter Pulay, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.

  33. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Quasi-relativistic density functional theory approach to parity violating nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Elements (REHE 2007), Ottrott, France, 2007.

  34. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    ZORA approach to electroweak effects on NMR shielding constants,
    International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2006, Chania, Greece, 2006.

  35. Thiele, A. Marx and R. Berger,
    Die Bestimmung der relativen Konfiguration eines biologisch aktiven α-Methylen-γ-butyrolactons mit residualen dipolaren Kopplungen (RDCs),
    ORCHEM 2006, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 2006.

  36. Jankowiak, J.L. Stuber and R. Berger,
    Rigorous screening of Franck-Condon integrals,
    42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Erkner, Germany, 2006.

  37. Stuber and R. Berger,
    Symmetry breaking in response calculations,
    42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Erkner, Germany, 2006.

  38. Nahrwold and R. Berger,
    Two-component quasi-relativistic density functional theory approach to parity-violating shifts in NMR spectra of chiral molecules,
    42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Erkner, Germany, 2006.

  39. R. Berger,
    Parity violation in chiral molecules containing heavy and superheavy elements,
    Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry 2005 in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany, 2005.

  40. Jankowiak and R. Berger,
    Calculation of the vibrational fine structure in the photo electron spectrum of formic acid,
    Chemistry in Berlin and Potsdam (Tag der Chemie), University of Potsdam, Germany, 2004.

  41. Laubender and R. Berger,
    First correlated ab initio calculations of parity-violating chemical shifts in NMR spectra of chiral molecules,
    39th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Gwattzentrum, Switzerland, 2003.

  42. Sieben, R. Berger, M. Quack and M. Willeke,
    Surprisingly large parity violating energy differences in enantiomers which are chiral by isotopic substitution: Theory and initial spectroscopic studies,
    39th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Gwattzentrum, Switzerland, 2003.

  43. Laubender and R. Berger,
    Ab initio calculation of parity-violating chemical shifts in NMR spectra of chiral molecules,
    XIth International Congress of Quantum Chemistry in Bonn, Germany, 2003.

  44. Laubender and R. Berger,
    Parity-violating chemical shifts in NMR spectra of chiral molecules computed ab initio,
    Chemistry in Berlin and Potsdam (Tag der Chemie), Humboldt University Berlin, Germany 2003.

  45. R. Berger,
    The weak force in quantum chemistry,
    6th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented Chemists in Lugano, Switzerland, 2002.

  46. R. Berger,
    Use of ultracold molecules: Parity violating energy differences,
    Colloquium of the DFG Priority Programme Interactions in ultra-cold atomic and molecular gases in Bonn, Germany, 2002.

  47. R. Berger,
    Isotope effects on molecular parity violation,
    Gordon Research Conference on Isotopes in Biological and Chemical Sciences in Ventura, CA, United States of America, 2002.

  48. R. Berger and M. Quack,
    Electroweak Quantum Chemistry of Alanine: Parity Violation in Gas and Condensed Phases,
    36th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Litschau, Austria, 2000.

  49. Berger, M. Quack and G. Tschumper,
    Electroweak Quantum Chemistry for Possible Precursor Molecules in the Evolution of Biomolecular Homochirality,
    40th Sanibel Symposium in St. Augustine, FL, United States of America, 2000.

  50. R. Berger and M. Quack,
    Calculation of parity violating energy differences between enantiomers with a multi-configuration linear response approach,
    40th Sanibel Symposium in St. Augustine, FL, United States of America, 2000.

  51. R. Berger and M. Quack,
    Multi-configuration linear response approach to the calculation of parity violating potentials in polyatomic molecules,
    16th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy in Dijon, France, 1999.

  52. R. Berger and M. Quack,
    Multi-configuration linear response approach to the calculation of parity violating potentials in polyatomic molecules,
    37th IUPAC Congress in Berlin, Germany, 1999.

  53. R. Berger and M. Klessinger,
    Temperaturabhängigkeit der Schwingungsfeinstrukturen von Elektronenspektren,
    33rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Bornheim-Walberberg, Germany, 1997.

  54. Berger, C. Fischer and M. Klessinger,
    Simulation of Vibronic Spectra at Higher Temperatures,
    37th Sanibel Symposium in St. Augustine, FL, United States of America, 1997.

  55. R. Berger, C. Fischer and M. Klessinger,
    Temperature Dependence of Electron Spectra,
    International Meeting of Physical Chemistry in Riccione, Italy, 1996.

  56. R. Berger, C. Fischer and M. Klessinger,
    Schwingungsfeinstruktur der Elektronenspektren des Pyrazin,
    31st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Loccum, Germany, 1995.