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Is Marburg the right place to study for you?

... therefore Marburg! - The main reasons:
A new building with state-of-the-art laboratories
The Department of Chemistry is housed in a bright and friendly new building - with state-of-the-art laboratories that offer you the best working conditions in Germany. This atmosphere makes studying and research pleasant.
Solid and broad education from bachelor to master's degree through to doctoral studies
"Understanding" and "learning to research" is the highest goal in order to train chemists who are competitive with creative ideas on an international level in business and higher education. - The Marburg chemistry is recognized nationally and internationally, our graduates are in demand!
The bachelor program is the start of your education. You can take your studies (B. Sc. And M. Sc.) Both in the winter and in the summer semester. In the first semesters, we create a common foundation for all students and balance out different previous knowledge and prerequisites. Important: You study the basic modules at your own pace. Building on this, in addition to the "traditional" compulsory subjects of Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry, you can also look forward to attractive optional elective courses in the Bachelor's program: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology and Theoretical Chemistry. With this broad scientific education, you are well prepared for the subsequent master's program.
In the master's program you can choose your modules! You can thus completely individualize your study priorities. In addition to the subjects from the bachelor's degree program, you can take material chemistry and medical chemistry. By combining modules, you can begin to specialize during your Master's program. The exciting thing is that the specialization modules in the working groups allow you to work on cutting-edge applied and basic research topics at an early stage. This facilitates the entry into the doctorate program.
During your doctoral work to become Dr. rer. nat., you will pursue your research topic independently in a workgroup. Your results will be presented at national and international conferences and discussed with colleagues. You will also gain leadership experience through the teaching component of the program. Additional soft skills can be obtained at the Marburg University Research Academy (MARA).
Marburg - a lively city
Marburg is a beautiful city steeped in history and tradition, deeply rooted in the diversity of its people and the university. Many cities have a university; Marburg is one! A wide range of pubs, cinemas, theaters, music, art and sports ensures the necessary work-life balance, true to the motto of Georg C. Lichtenberg: „Wer nichts als Chemie versteht, versteht auch die nicht recht.“ (literally translated: "Who understands nothing but chemistry, does not understand chemistry either.")
More central and affordable than you may realize
It only takes an hour to reach the city center of Frankfurt from Marburg, with the airport being only a few minutes beyond that. These trips and more are covered by the semester ticket (which includes the use of long-distance trains, see AStA information). The cost of living in Marburg, however, is statistically more than € 200 / month less expensive than in Frankfurt. The semester ticket also covers the train connections to the north (Kassel) and are good and up to, and sometime beyond, the border of Hesse.
Study requirements
Even with little prior knowledge, you can master the course of study in chemistry. In this case, you would take extra introductory coursework in the first few semesters. The introductory phase of the new bachelor's program is deliberately designed so that you can study at your own pace. A certain interest in mathematics and physics is helpful, as is a conceptual knowledge in chemistry, physics and/or mathematics from your prior education.
Your interests, your personality?
If you …
- are curious,
- like problem solving,
- want to think logically and
- want to really understand facts
then you will enjoy studying chemistry!