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Teaching-Learning Scenarios

The possibilities of traditional courses can be expanded through digital learning content and the interaction of digital tools in complex scenarios, based on didactic considerations. The scope of design is quite extensive and ranges from the mere enrichment of traditional classroom courses with digital tools to complex, innovative forms of teaching and learning.
The central learning platform ILIAS can support forms of acquiring cooperative knowledge, for example through virtual working groups, wikis, blogs and etherpads. Self-tests or learning controls (self-assessment) enable students to give feedback on their individual learning status. Online surveys or live voting in lecture halls or seminar rooms (audience response) serve for evaluating and interacting
More comprehensive concepts, such as blended learning, reverse the classic relationship between mere content delivery and deepening knowledge. Content that is firstly developed in digitally supported self-learning phases forms the basis for a subsequent presence phase, where the content can be deepened and discussed.
Your benefit
Support of didactics in organizing, creating and implementing digital teaching and learning scenarios
Target group and requirements
Teaching staff
ILIAS Support Portal
The support portal within the learning platform assists you with all ILIAS learning objects. In order to get a good overview, visit the e-learning tools synopsis in ILIAS.
Self-Assessments are online tests designed to help students assess themselves. Through self-assessments, they receive feedback on their individual learning status and are then able to plan future (self-)learning phases on this basis. Thus, self-assessments can make a significant contribution to individualizing learning processes. Furthermore, they allow for diagnoses about the learning group and corresponding adaptation of the learning content when preparing a summative examination procedure. In digitalized form, self-assessments can be anonymous and connected with further content.
In Marburg, self-assessment scenarios can be implemented with the help of the ILIAS test function. The platform also offers the possibility to create learning objectives in a transparent way, to link them with content, to integrate questions into learning modules and to create surveys for diagnostic learning progress.
Compared to classical exams, e-exams have the decisive advantage that they are more effective both in terms of organization and correction: Lecturers can develop thematic pools of questions and use them to compile their exams each semester. The exam questions can be mixed automatically to prevent fraud. In addition, e-exams can be corrected more quickly, either through automatic evaluation or more legible writing.
Besides the higher effectiveness, e-exams have another advantage: Because e-exams can combine the use of different media types - such as images, videos and audio files - the field of application of e-exams is much wider than that of classic exams. For example, image analyses, listening comprehension tests or situation analyses are only made possible using audio and video files.
In Marburg, the University Computer Center’s e-exam service offers support in the execution of such exams.
E-portfolios are digital collections of work results for dealing with a topic. In contrast to classic portfolios, e-portfolios offer a wide range of multimedia design options - in addition to texts videos, images and audio files can also be used. One of the central goals that are often pursued with the help of e-portfolios is to improve the attention of learners to a specific learning subject: For example, learners can work on course session topics and thus deepen their understanding. It can also be used as a protocol for practical classes or experiments. The experiments can be well documented here not only in writing but also in the form of photos and videos and are available to the learners on a long-term basis.
In Marburg, all members of the university can create e-portfolios in ILIAS. This is basically done independently of courses. Later, the e-portfolios can be "submitted" as objects in the courses or activated for the members. It is also possible to export the content as HML files.
The term webinar is made up of the two words "web" and "seminar" and describes an online event that is broadcast live over the Internet using a video and audio stream. Usually, the focus is on conveying specific learning material, whereby slides are presented, but interactive elements such as chat, whiteboard and voting can also be incorporated. Thus, webinars enable the location-independent execution of courses, as well as the direct interaction and collaboration of students on their PCs.
In Marburg, webinars can be realized via Adobe Connect as a service for conducting web conferences.
Audience Response
In teaching, "Audience Response" (or "Live Votings") is the term used to refer to a query or test procedure that is used to obtain direct feedback from the lecture or seminar participants on concrete, content-related questions. The primary didactic purpose of Audience Response is primarily to promote interaction between teachers and students, even where this is difficult to achieve due to the chosen teaching format - for example, in formats that involve a large proportion of frontal teaching. By actively involving learners in the process of knowledge transfer via Audience Response, the attention of the participants can be improved.
In Marburg, the ILIAS function LiveVoting can be used to implement audience response scenarios.
Blended Learning
Blended Learning is one of the best known and most common forms of media-supported teaching. Its main feature is the interweaving of different teaching and learning phases - typically the interweaving of digital self-learning phases with presence phases. Content that is developed in a self-learning phase forms the basis for a subsequent presence phase. In this phase, the content is further deepened, discussed and - if necessary - criticized.
There are many reasons why you might want to integrate Blended Learning into your own teaching: Certain learning content can be better developed in self-study phases than in larger groups. Also, learners can set their learning pace flexibly and thus have the time to address specific problems if they have difficulty understanding. At the same time, you as a teacher also have the opportunity to make parts of your own teaching more flexible. Another possible reason is to increase the effectiveness by improving the degree of preparation of the learners.
In Marburg, Blended Learning phases can be supported by the learning platform ILIAS. In addition to digitized texts, multimedia learning modules are often used, which can be easily provided on the learning platform, just like various other tools.
Support and Help
If you have any questions about application possibilities and usage or would like advice, please contact or the Helpdesk at 06421-28-28282 (Mon-Fri 8-18 hrs.).
Related services
Worth knowing
Which tool of the digital toolbox ILIAS is the right one for the event? Which one is suitable for which phase of the teaching activity? How can complex teaching arrangements be realized with the different didactic possibilities? Articles about these questions as well as other topics related to digital teaching-learning scenarios will be published in the ILIAS blog at irregular intervals.
Public polls
By means of the ILIAS function survey, it is possible to create and evaluate surveys. This is helpful for example to evaluate courses or to record an opinion. Surveys are also useful for scientific research. Since it often makes sense to conduct surveys publicly and anonymously, there is a separate area within the central learning platform.
Further development of didactics
Digital tools and media alone do not automatically lead to better teaching-learning scenarios. In the field of didactics, you are the experts! Do you have an unusual idea, would you like to implement an innovative teaching project and need support? In cooperation with the Future Workshop for digitally supported university teaching and university didactics, we provide advice, brainstorming and assistance in implementing new approaches in the context of teaching.