
Bringing fundamental research to pre-commercial low carbon hydrogen technologies using electrochemistry

Kolloquium SFB 1083 gemeinsam mit dem Seminar „Physik der grünen Technologien“


16. Januar 2023 16:15
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Renthof 5, Großer Hörsaal, und Videokonferenz

The installation of renewable energy power plants based on solar energy and wind is constantly growing as nations try to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for climate neutrality by 2050.  However solar and wind are variable renewable energy sources (VREs) and thus the electricity thereby generated, does not always match the demand. If the electricity from VREs is used to generate hydrogen by electrolysis especially when supply exceeds demands, significant reductions in GHG emissions are possible. For instance, the low carbon hydrogen can be used to replace fossil fuels or combined with captured carbon dioxide to produce synthetic fuels. However, several scientific questions need to be solved before large scale deployment, i.e., installations on a Terawatt scale, can be economical. In this seminar, I shall discuss some solutions investigated in my research group, such as boosting the energy conversion efficiency by (i) thermal integration between the photovoltaic modules and the electrolyser; (ii) reducing the resistive losses in the electrolyser and (iii) investigating alternative electrochemical reactions.

Hybridveranstaltung: Link zur Videokonferenz


Dr. Sonya Calnan (Helmhotz-Zentrum, Berlin)


SFB 1083, Seminar „Physik der grünen Technologien“