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Team and Coaches

Photo: Pascal Dietz
From left to right: María José Fernández Salvador Farfan, Liska Schöck, Jakob Krauß and Levon Müller

This year's team, which will represent the University of Marburg at the ICC Mediation Competition, consists of María, Liska, Jakob and Levon. We are very much looking forward to the challenge and appreciate the trust placed in us!

Our team is characterised by great diversity. This is not only reflected in the different courses of study of the team members which range from law to political science to anthropology. We have also been brought together by very different motivations: an interest in communication and problem-solving strategies, the opportunity to get to know a wide variety of people in an international context and the desire to leave our own comfort zone. It is a unique opportunity for us to be able to gain such a deep insight into mediation without many years of relevant professional experience. We are very grateful for this. We see our different personal and cultural backgrounds as a great enrichment for the task that awaits us.

Together with our wonderful coaches Theresa and Johannes, who accompany and prepare us with a lot of expertise and dedication, we want to use the opportunity to represent our university in a worthy manner and enjoy this experience to the fullest!

Photo: Pascal Dietz

María José Fernández Salvador Farfan started her bachelors in international relations at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and transferred to the University of Marburg to continue her major in political science and economics. She has four years of experience competing in Model United Nations and speaks three languages fluently. She has always been passionate about languages and the possibility that they give us to connect with others in an international scope. She strongly believes in being and making a difference, having a positive impact on the world and others. Her interest in mediation and conflict resolution sparked from her interest in politics and helping others. In and outside of the mediation world it is important to always have in mind that every voice is valuable, each one matters and needs to be heard.

Photo: Pascal Dietz

Jakob Krauß, 18 years old, studies law in his first semester and will participate in the 18thICC Mediation Competition for the team of the University of Marburg. He is looking forward to getting an insight into mediation, getting to know the team members and other participants. Moreover, Jakob is passionate about learning new skills and working in a diverse environment with different cultural backgrounds and courses of study. In his free time, he likes meeting friends and playing music of any kind.

Photo: Pascal Dietz

Levon Müller is a first-semester law student and has previously completed a degree in dual judicial studies (duales Rechtspflegerstudium). As part of these studies, he was able to moderate actual court hearings, among other things. Previously, he successfully participated in the debating competition "Jugend debattiert". Due to these exciting experiences in areas similarly focused on moderating and communication, he is very interested in gaining access and professional insight into the field of mediation with the ICC Mediation Competition. What is more, he sees the international aspect of the Competition as a unique opportunity to work on an exciting project with interesting people from different cultural backgrounds. He is very happy to have the opportunity of contributing his knowledge and skills in the context of the Competition and to gain valuable experience in mediation.

Photo: Pascal Dietz

Liska Schöck is in her first master's semester studying cultural and social anthropology. Among other things, it is the different cultural backgrounds and perspectives of the participants that have aroused her curiosity about the ICC Mediation Competition. As a long-time member of a debating club, she is excited to see what intriguing discussions and good arguments await her. She is also very much looking forward to the acting part of the mediation.

The Coaches

for the Marburg Team for the 18th ICC Mediation Competition 2022/23 are Theresa Tauchnitz and Johannes Wahl.

Theresa Tauchnitz, 27 years old, studied law at the University of Marburg from 2014 to 2019. During this time, she participated in the 12th ICC Commercial Mediation Competition as a team member. Since then, she has finished her legal clerkship in Darmstadt and is currently moving to Stuttgart to start her professional career. She is very grateful for the experience of participating in the event and is looking forward to returning to the Mediation Competition. This time she embraces her role as a coach guiding the team through the challenges and possibilities of mediation and the competition.

Johannes Wahl, 26 years old, studied economics in Heidelberg and Marburg. In his second master’s year, he participated in the 16th ICC Mediation Competition. After spending time in the US as an exchange student and M&A intern, Johannes recently started to work as a capital market trainee at LBBW. Johannes is passionate about intercultural communication and has worked and lived in international environments such as India, Fiji, South Africa, and the US. In 2022/23, Johannes is looking forward to be a coach in the 18th ICC Mediation Competition and sharing his experience and passion for international student competitions and mediation with the team.