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Team and Coaches

Photo: Elle Gregory
From left to right: Ricardo Walldorf-Correll, Annika Russell, Marcel vom Bruch and Zahra Kaddouri

We are excited to announce that the University of Marburg will be participating in the 17th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition! Our team of four - Annika, Marcel, Ricardo, and Zahra - encompasses a variety of international backgrounds and fields of study, namely law, political science, media, and conflict studies. We are grateful for the opportunity that has been given to us, and we have already discovered that there is much we can learn from each other. With Alex and Judith coaching us, we know we are in the best hands possible. Already, we would like to thank them for the time and effort they have committed to invest in our team’s success. We will do our utmost to do them justice.

Photo: Elle Gregory

Marcel vom Bruch
Marcel’s interest in negotiation and mediation was sparked during his education in peace and conflict studies at the University of Kent and the University of Marburg. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and history from the University of Bonn. He is most impressed by the simplicity of mediation and its potential to avoid costly conflicts. He is honored to be given the opportunity to further his knowledge and skills in the context of the ICCMC.

Photo: Elle Gregory

Zahra Kaddouri
Zahra is a law student in her sixth semester and a former international business student. She worked in several law firms and attended many settlement negotiations and hearings in court; that is how she became interested in communication and mediation between clients and business partners. She is looking forward to contributing to this year’s ICC Mediation Competition with legal and business knowledge and determination to gain valuable experiences in the field of mediation.

Photo: Elle Gregory

Annika Russell
Annika has seven years of experience competing in Model United Nations, six in speech and debate, and one in mock trial. She began studying political science at The University of Texas, Dallas in 2018, and has since worked for the U.S. House of Representatives, the American Bar Association, and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP. With her future legal career in mind, she is eager to develop her skills in the fields of negotiation and dispute resolution by assuming the role of counsel on this year’s team.

Photo: Elle Gregory

Ricardo Walldorf-Correll
Ricardo accumulated more than 15 years of experience in theatre and acting. He used the understanding he developed about interpersonal relationships and the importance of communication in the different working environments he was privileged to be a part of. As diverse as his professional experiences are, his focus is clearly centered on the interaction and support of people, which is why he is extremely grateful for the opportunity to gain a professional insight into mediation and to be able to actively implement the knowledge he will acquire in this Competition.

The Coaches

for the Marburg Team for the 17th ICC Mediation Competition 2021/22 are Alexandra Kieffer and Judith Waßmann.

Photo: Valentin Schwing

Alexandra Kieffer, 27 years old, studied from 2017 to 2019 the Joint Master Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Kent, UK, and the University of Marburg. In her second master's year, she participated in the 14th ICC Commercial Mediation Competition and made it to the eight finals with her team. Since the completion of her studies she has been working in the field of mediation and has completed her training as a certified mediator. In 2020/21 Alexandra returned as a coach for the Marburg team for the 16th ICC Mediation Competition and is looking forward to supporting the next team with her own experience as a participant, as a coach and from mediation practice.

Judith Waßmann, 30 years old, also completed her Joint Master’s Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Kent, UK and the University of Marburg. Together with Alexandra and two other team members she participated in the 14th ICC Commercial Mediation Competition during her studies. After completing her studies in 2019, Judith has started to work at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), first as an intern in Bangalore, India and since October 2020 as Junior Consultant in Bonn. In addition to her work, she just recently concluded her international mediation training. Judith is looking forward to returning to Marburg as a coach for the 17th ICC Mediation Competition, to guiding the team through the process, and to introducing them to the power of mediation.