05.06.2019 Candidates for new professorships present themselves

As part of the process to fill the two new professorships listed below at the School of Business and Economics, the following candidates are presenting their research and teaching. Alle presentations will take place at the Dean´s Conference Hall ("Dekanatssitzungszimmer, Universitaetsstrasse 25, ground floor).
For "Business Administration: Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models" the presentations are planned as follows:
- Wednesday, 12.06.2019, 08:00-10:00: Dr. Elisabeth Berger
Lecture „Business Model Innovation“
Research Presentation „Understanding the entrepreneurs' perspective on co-creation collaborations with larger firms" - Wednesday, 12.06.2019, 10:00-12:00: Prof. Dr. Mattias Baum
Lecture „Developing innovative business models“
Research Presentation „Contagion of entrepreneurial passion and its effects on employees’ affective commitment and work performance" - Thursday, 13.6.2019, 08:00-10:00: Dr. Vivien Procher
Lecture „Business model transformation: Shopping in a digital era“
Research Presentation „Evaluation and selection of innovations for societal support: The effects of a foreign language context" - Thursday, 13.6.2019, 10:00-12:00: Prof. Dr. Christian Hopp
Lecture „Business Model Innovation“
Research Presentation „The Promises and Perils of Open and User-Centered Business Models for Entrepreneurial New Product Development Empirical Evidence from Crowdfunding Platforms" - Wednesday, 19.06.2019, 08:00-10:00: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Müller
Lecture „Understanding the role of resources for business model innovation“
Research Presentation „Founder-inventors and their investors: Implications for firm survival and growth" - Wednesday, 19.06.2019, 10:00-12:00: Prof. Dr. Thomas Clauß
Lecture „Business Model Innovation“
Research Presentation „Strategic Agility, Business Model Innovation, and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation"
For "Business Administration: Digitisation and Process Management", the presentations are planned as follows:
- Wednesday, 12.06.2019, 14:00-16:00: Prof. Dr. Maximilian Röglinger
Lecture "The Impact of Digitalization on Business Process Management"
Research Presentation "Prioritizing Interconnected Processes – A PageRank-based Approach" - Wednesday, 12.06.2019, 16:00-18:00: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Figl
Lecture "Digital process innovation"
Research Presentation "Using eye-tracking to make business processes easier to understand" - Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 08:00-10:00: Dr. Manuel Wiesche
Lecture "Business Process Discovery using Process Mining"
Research Presentation "Contagious Collaboration in the Digital Workforce: How Turnover Spreads in IT Professional's Organizational Networks" - Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 14:00-16:00: Prof. Dr. Catherine Cleophas
Lecture "Introduction to Automated Process Management"
Research Presentation "Multi-Objective Revenue Management: Algorithms and Analysts" - Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 16:00 - 18:00: Dr. Nadine Guhr
Lecture "The core elements of Business Process Management"
Research Presentation "Leadership as a capability area in Business Process Management - An example using a quantitative empirical study on the influence of leadership on information security behavior" - Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Christian Matt
Lecture "Process Mining"
Research Presentation "Algorithm-based Product-Preference Matching – On the Perceptional Effects of Serendipity" - Tuesday, 18.06.2019, 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Martin Wiener
Lecture "Business Process Management: Analyzing the Process Flow"
Research Presentation "Perceptions of Control Legitimacy in the Gig Economy: The Case of Uber Drivers"
These events are open to all members of the university, especially students are cordially invited to join.
Prof. Dr. Wulf / Prof. Dr. Stephan