19.01.2022 Information on the semester and the upcoming examinaton periods

Dear students,
We would like to inform you about the results of yesterday’s meeting between representatives of the student council and the Dean of Studies.
First of all, we would like to emphasise once again that – as described by Vice-President Korn in her email before Christmas – we want to proceed with the winter semester in the same form as before Christmas. This means that the courses announced in attendance will also take place in attendance until the end of the semester (provided that the currently valid legal regulations of the state of Hesse do not change). The 3G rule for access to courses and exams will continue to apply, and of course masks will still be required. For the examinations of the first exam period, we have agreed with the student council on an extended deregistration period up to and including Friday, February 4, i.e. you can still withdraw your exam registration (written exams only). Registration for the second examination period will be possible from February 5 on for students who are not registered for the first examination period. For all other students, registration for the re-sit period is possible as soon as a "fail" has been entered for the first exam attempt. Registration for the second examination period ends on March 14 at midnight.
As Vice-President Korn explained in her e-mail of December 23, the "Ordinance for Coping with the Effects of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Higher Education" has been amended by the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK). This means that it is possible to re-sit an examination that has conclusively not been passed (i.e. an examination that would otherwise lead to a loss of examination entitlement) (unless the failure was due to an attempt to deceive) in the winter semester 2021/22. Other types of "free attempts" are not (and were not) provided for either by our examination regulations or by the "Statutes of the Philipps-Universität Marburg on Deviations in Admission, Study and Examination Law during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic".
The summer semester is currently planned to be held in attendance. Of course, we have to wait and see whether it will be possible and covered by regulations. For information from the University of Marburg on the Corona situation visit: www.uni-marburg.de/corona, from the School of Economics and Business Administration: www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb02/corona-fb02.
We hope that this information will help you to plan your semester and your examinations. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck und Kai Brenneke
School of Business and Economics