03.03.2022 Information on the summer term ´22 at the School of Business and Economics #1

Dear students,
We hope that the lecture period of the winter term 21-22 has ended successfully for you, and that the more face-to-face teaching has brought a bit of normality back into your studies.
Registration for the second examination phase
Registration for the second examination phase is already underway and is possible until March 14th (11:59pm).
Summer Semester 2022
Currently, the state of Hesse and our university´s administration are assuming that the summer semester will take place as a regular attendance semester, in the classrooms. However, the pandemic situation is expected to continue, necessitating, for example, masks and 3G checks.
The course catalogue has been published in MARVIN since March 1st. Course registration will be possible in MARVIN starting March 14th. Please register your courses in MARVIN by the beginning of the semester. For many seminars and some special courses, other registration deadlines may apply, which often start later. Please inform yourself about these courses in MARVIN ("Periods" field on the right-hand side of the start page of a course) or on the websites of the research groups. The lecture period then begins on April 11th and ends on July 15th. You can find these and other dates in our semester calendar.
A note for students in the M.Sc. Business Administration: There will be no courses offered by Prof. Dr. Fleischer and Dr. Schild in the methods area in the summer semester, but we have made alternative courses selectable here. You can find these in the module "Vertiefung quantitativer und statistischer Methoden".
Let's have a look at the exam periods of the summer semester: The first sit will take place from July 18th to 29th, the second sit from September 19th to 30th.
Change in the Dean's Office of our School
As of April 1st, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hayo will hold the office of Vice Dean (in place of Prof. Dr. Friehe) and Prof. Dr. Sascha Mölls that of Dean of Studies. Prof. Dr. Nietert will remain the Dean of our school.
Of course, we will also continue to be there for you and will be very happy to answer any questions - and of course to receive any suggestions.
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck and Kai Brenneke
for the School of Business and Economics