28.03.2022 Information on the summer term ´22 at the School of Business and Economics #2

Dear students,
We hope that you have successfully completed the examinations for the winter semester 2021-22 or that you are still in the process of doing so and that you can take a few breaths before the start of lectures for the summer semester. In preparation for this summer semester, we have some more information for you:
New research groups and their courses in the summer semester 2022:
Prof. Dr. Michael Leyer will hold the professorship of Digitalisation and Process Management from 01 April. He will take over the module "Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik” in the bachelor’s programme. In the master’s area, Prof. Leyer will offer the course "Prozessinnovation" in the module "Digital Business" this summer semester. Students who have already successfully completed this module in the past (through courses taught by Mr. Buck or Ms. Procher) cannot take the module again. Information on further course offerings in the following semesters will follow during the summer.
Prof. Dr. Teresa Dickler will hold the professorship of Sustainability Management from 01 June and is offering the Business Administration Bachelor's Seminar "Sustainability Management" in the modules "Seminar Market-Oriented Management" and "Seminar Information and Innovation Management" in the summer semester. The registration deadline is 22 May. Information on the other offers in the following semesters will be provided during the summer.
Corona protection in the summer semester:
For the first weeks of the summer semester (until 25 May), the President's Office of the Philipps University has developed a protection concept which includes the following elements:
- Occupation of rooms for teaching and other events: All seats may be occupied; masks are also compulsory at the seat unless a sufficient distance of 1.5 m from others can be maintained; lecturers may remove their masks.
- The 3G rule no longer applies as there is no legal basis for it anymore.
- Libraries and PC rooms: All seats may be occupied; booking system goes into regular operation in which a contingent of seats can still be booked; mask obligation also applies at the seat if a sufficient distance of 1.5 m from others cannot be maintained (regulated according to work areas).
Course registration in MARVIN:
The course catalogue has been published in MARVIN since 01 March. Please register your courses in MARVIN until the beginning of the semester. For many seminars and some special courses, other registration deadlines may apply. Please inform yourself about this in MARVIN ("Periods" field on the right-hand side of the start page of a course) or on the websites of the professorships. The semester begins on 11 April and ends on 15 July. You can find these and other dates in our semester calendar.
Courses offered in the methods section of the M.Sc. Business Administration:
Prof. Dr. Fleischer and Dr. Schild will not offer any courses in the methods section of the M.Sc. in Business Administration in the summer semester. Instead, two alternatively selectable courses will be offered in the module "Vertiefung quantitativer und statistischer Methoden".
Of course, we are still here for you and will be happy to answer any questions - and of course to receive your suggestions.
Kind regards
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck and Kai Brenneke
for the School of Business and Economics