01.04.2021 Information on the summer term at the School of Business and Economics #2

Dear students,
In the week after next, the lecture period in the summer semester begins. All the modules in our department will be offered online this summer semester, for the time being. The Presidium of the Philipps University decides whether individual modules can also be offered in person during the semester, depending on the pandemic situation.
As in the previous terms, MARVIN is the central portal for the initial contact between the lecturers and you, the students. We therefore ask you to register all courses in MARVIN by April 8 at the latest. If you are unsure whether you want to attend a module, it is advisable to take this module first. You can always log out afterwards.
For every module that you have taken, you will receive (starting Friday, April 9) an email sent via MARVIN from the respective lecturer in which you will be informed of the access to the course material in ILIAS and the access to any online courses. Your UMR-issued student email address stored in MARVIN is used for this; Please check this mailbox particularly regularly at the beginning of the semester.
Finally, again an overview of important links for you:
- The information of the University of Marburg on the corona situation can be found here, that of our School here.
- If you have any questions or technical problems, please contact our School´s support at digitale-lehre20@wiwi.uni-marburg.de.
- Follow us for updates: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Of course, we will continue to be there for you and will be happy to answer your questions - and, of course, take your suggestions.
Best regards and happy easter
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck und Kai Brenneke