15.04.2020 Information on the summer term at the School of Business and Economics #3

Dear students,
as promised, we are sending you the third email today to inform you about the state of our planning for the summer semester 2020.
For those lectures and seminars being held via Zoom, please see the basic guide in the attachments to this mail; and also the following notes regarding all webinars:
- Webinars in Zoom, WebEx, or on other platforms can not be recorded due to privacy and data protection laws.
- Accordingly, you are also prohibited from recording these webinars.
- Please note that the use of Zoom, WebEx or other platforms happens on a voluntary basis. You are free to use other source to follow a module. Those research groups working primarily with Zoom try to provide additional material to allow (self-)studying without attending the live sessions.
Please remember to register your courses in MARVIN, which is possible since April 8, and please do so for all courses you wish to attend until April 17. As announced two weeks ago, the slightly adjusted teaching program for this semester is now online in MARVIN. For each module that you registered for in MARVIN, you will receive an email from April 20th on, in which the lecturers will inform you about how to access course material in ILIAS, about access to online sessions and about audio and video recordings.
If you have questions concerning registration in MARVIN please address to our student consultants via Email (studbera@wiwi.uni-marburg.de).
Additional information on registering in MARVIN can be found at: www.uni-marburg.de/de/universitaet/administration/verwaltung/stabsstellen/icm.
Please continue to inform yourself about current developments on the website of the university: https://uni-marburg.de/corona
Certainly, we continue to be here for you and are happy to answer any questions – and of course take any suggestions – you might have.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck, Kai Brenneke