20.01.2021 Information on the winter term at the School of Business and Economics #4

Dear students:
First of all, we hope that you have had a good start to the new year.
Meanwhile, the end of the lecture period and the exam phases in February and March are approaching. The first exam period is still scheduled in attendance starting Saturday, February 13. Strict hygiene rules will apply. Mouth-to-nose covering will also be required to be worn during exams. The exam procedures will be similar to those applied in the two exam periods of last summer semester. Nevertheless, we will send out notices to all students in advance of this exam period regarding the procedure. By then it will also be clear whether wearing simple masks is sufficient or whether protective masks according to FFP2 standard are required. We will inform you accordingly.
After very constructive discussions with the student council, we are pleased to inform you that we have changed the regulations for deregistration from exams. Withdrawals from examinations of the first examination phase do not have to be made by January 29, as originally announced. Instead, withdrawals are possible up to and including the day of the exam. They must be made via the QIS portal. In any case, a non-attendance of an exam will NOT be counted as a failed attempt (if the deregistration via QIS is not successful). However, further registrations for the first examination phase are no longer possible.
Finally, again an overview of important links for you:
- The information of the University of Marburg on the corona situation can be found here: www.uni-marburg.de/corona, that of our School here: www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb02/corona-fb02
- If you have any questions or technical problems, please contact our School´s support at digitale-lehre20@wiwi.uni-marburg.de.
- The university has also set up a central overview page with the most important information on teaching in the winter semester: www.uni-marburg.de/de/universitaet/lehre/lehren-und-lernen-im-wintersemester-2020-2021.
Of course, we will continue to be there for you and will be happy to answer your questions - and, of course, take your suggestions.
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck and Kai Brenneke