15.01.2025 Bachelor Seminar SS 2025

  • General information

    Information on basic ideas, topics, examination etc. can be found on our seminar page.

  • Registration

    March 31 to April 10, 2025: Please register via email and provide us with your name, registration number, Ms./Mr., semester and three desired topics

    1. Due to restrictions on supervision, the research group Finance and Banking will be setting maximum limits for the number of participants for the Bachelor Seminar starting from summer semester 2021:  15

    2. The allocation of places will follow a first-come-first-served basis. However students taking the major (Schwerpunkt) Accounting & Finance will have a priority since they require the seminar and thesis for their study programme.

    Furthermore, students that will write their bachelor thesis at the research group will also have a priority in the allocation of bachelor seminar places.

    It is mandatory to register for the examination of the seminar in Marvin, otherwise no topic can be assigned!

    Withdrawal is possible unil April 07, 2025. Later withdrawals will automatically lead to a fail grade.

    Reason for this restrictive treatment of withdrawals: People on the waiting list must be given a chance to participate in the seminar if free places arise due to withdrawal.

  • Assignment of topics

    • Topics are exclusively assigned by means of email on April 28, 2025, i.e. you do not have to show up personally to obtain a topic. You will receive an email of your supervisor not later than April 29, 2025.

    • The starting date of the Bachelor seminar is the day after the email has been sent out.

    • Parallel to the email with the assignment of the topic, the date for the part of the seminar that deals with scientific citation will be announced.
  • Time schedule for examination

    • presumably May 23, 2025: Presentation, room AA 011

    • June 17, 2025 on 11:30: deadline for submitting electronically the introduction of the paper

    • June 24, 2025 on 11:30: deadline for submitting electronically the Excel file - do not forget to document properly the computations in the file.