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In Department 05 at Philipps-Universität Marburg, our student association is called “Roter Faden,” literally “red thread” but meaning “common theme.” We see it as our duty as an active student association in Protestant theology to represent the student body to the other stakeholder groups as a part of our political identity.
It is especially important to us to advocate for minorities and disadvantaged groups in the various committees of the department. Thus, it is incumbent upon us to educate others on topics such as feminism, intersectionality, critique of racism, and postcolonial perspectives. We hold democratic grassroots assemblies, make decisions based on the consensus principle, and try to act as inclusively and (gender-)equitably as possible.
The “Roter Faden” student association meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the student association room to discuss everything. An open atmosphere is important to us here, and everyone is warmly welcome.

You can find out what we are currently working on via the student association board, our Facebook page, or if you contact us in person.

Room: AU 02010
Office: AU 03019