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The Girls' Day on 3. April 2025

Experimentally at the Physics department
will give you a good overview how interesting and multi-facetted it is to study and do physics at the department, how much fun it is and, finally, how many different perspectives the job market offer for physicists.
You will get an insight into the different areas of work: In the morning you will get to know the technical work spaces: you will be shown the mechanical and the electronical workshops and the lecture preparation. You will have the opportunity to do easy experiments and solve technical tasks.
In a breakfast break we do not only share Brezel, fruits and juice but also are eager to listen to your experiences.
The rest of the day you will get to know one of the different working groups of the experimental and theoretical physics, get an impression of how a day as a scientist in Physics looks like, get a tour through offices and laboratories, and again get the possibility to do first small experiments.
In the past years, the girls built small spectrometers and researched different light sources. They built a solar light, experimented with different density solutions to detect microplastic particles in river sediment, and they were introduced to the world of programming.
At the end of the event, around 13:30, you will be handed your participation confirmation and will be filled up with impressions and knowledge and left for yourself to decide if physics are worth a second thought.