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Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Physics 2024

November 29, 2024 5 p.m.
Großer Hörsaal Renthof 5
We invite everyone to this celebration who has completed their bachelor's, master's or teaching degree in physics or their doctorate since the last graduation ceremony in 2019.
In addition to the graduates, their parents, relatives and friends are also cordially invited.
Registrations are open until November 15, 2024. Please use our online form for this.
Welcome by
Prof. Dr. Florian Gebhard, Dean
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wippermann, Dean of Studies
Presentation of the bachelor's certificates by the Dean of Studies
Presentation of the master's certificates by the graduates' supervisors
Farewell to the teaching students who have completed their first state examination in physics
Presentation of the doctoral certificates by the graduates' supervisors
Festive lecture
Prof. Dr. Alexey Chernikov (TU Dresden)
from around 6:30 p.m. champagne reception