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How do I login?

Since April 2024, GitLab uses Shibboleth for authentication on the web. After clicking on Login, the institution through which the login is to take place must be selected. For Uni Marburg users, the user name and user password must then be entered first and then the one-time password (e.g. YubiKey, TAN or smartphone token) in a separate text field. General information on Shibboleth can be found at the website of the Philipps-Universität Marburg.

As the login of GitLab is secured by Shibboleth some restrictions apply. GitLab does not support any https authentification for Git if Shibboleth is active. Thus, you have to use SSH as connection method when using Git. To use SSH efficiently a SSH key should be created and stored in GitLab.

For automated processes like CI jobs password-based authentification should be avoided. Project access tokens are the appropriate way to autheticate automated processes.

How do I get support?

Besides this FAQ there is further documentation and information directly in GitLab. You can receive it from this specific project.

Feedback, requests, and questions to the GitLab service can be addressed in different ways. You can always e-mail us at or create an issue directly in GitLab.