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Research Profile

The substantive focus of the School of Business & Economics is institutional economics and corporate governance as well as innovative value creation and entrepreneurship. The "Marburg Centre for Institutional Economics" (MACIE) bundles research activities in the fields of economics and accounting & finance. The "Research Group for Innovative Value Creation and Entrepreneurship" (GIVE) brings together the areas of "market-oriented corporate management" and "information and innovation".

Research Area "Institutional Economics and Corporate Governance"

What determines the framework for action of economic actors (individuals or companies) and how do actors react to changes? The research area "Institutional Economics and Corporate Governance" engages with these questions and examines in particular the interaction between formal and informal institutions and norms on the behaviour of actors and the development of economic success factors.

The Marburg Centre for Institutional Economics (MACIE) focuses and priorities the activities of the School in these research speciality areas. MACIE is anchored as an institute in the School.

Research Area "Innovative Value Creation and Entrepreneurship"

How do new business models emerge and how can they ensure success on the market? The research area "Innovative Value Creation and Entrepreneurship" deals with these questions, which are essential for the competitiveness of medium-sized and large companies. In three branches of research, we examine the role of networks, strategic orientation and markets for the design of innovative value creation concepts.