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Doctorate at the Institute of the History of Pharmacy and Medicine in Marburg

We offer you the opportunity to complete a postgraduate qualification programme at our institute. Completing the programm, or an interdisciplinary master's degree programme yet to be established, will enable you to prepare a high quality dissertation in the fields of history of pharmacy, history of medicine and history of (natural) sciences.

Target group: graduates in the fields of pharmacy, natural sciences and life sciences (state examination, diploma, master's degree).

Duration of the programme: two semesters.

Start: every summer term in April.

Lecture schedule: every Wednesday from 2 p. m. and every Thursday full-time at our institute (Roter Graben 10) in Marburg. Personal participation is required.

Requirements: active participation, which includes completing exersises, giving presentations, and completing coursework.

We offer: introduction to every relevant method and theory needed to successfully complete a well-founded dissertation in the fields humanities and cultural sciences. In addition, lectures will impart an broad overview about the research fields history of pharmacy, history of medicine and history of (natural) sciences.

Participants with over-average performance will subsequently be given the chance to complete a doctorate at our institute. Supervision in the field of pharmacy (title granted: Dr. rer. nat.) is provided by Prof Dr Tanja Pommerening, Prof Dr Sabine Anagnostou, Prof Dr Axel Helmstädter and Prof Dr Maike Rotzoll. Supervision in the field of medicine (title granted: Dr. med.) and dentistry (title granted: Dr. dent.) is provided by Prof Dr Maike Rotzoll and Prof Dr Tanja Pommerening. Further information about the promotion in the field of medicine is given here:

The dissertation process starts after finishing the programm and is supported by conversations with your supervisor on a regular basis. Preparing the doctorate may also be external.

The next possible date to join our programm will be the summer term 2024 starting in April
Interested persons send their application to our secretariat via E-Mail attaching just one (!) PDF file containing your cover letter, your resume, your high school and your university certificates.
There are still a few spots left.