01.04.2023 Call for Papers - Special Issue Brain Research
Origins of variability in acquiring and using linguistic knowledge

Wir laden alle Interessierten zu einem Beitrag in einer Sonderausgabe des Journals Brain Research ein und freuen uns über Einreichungen zum Thema Origins of variability in acquiring and using linguistic knowledge.
Hier eine Zusammenfassung der Sonderausgabe, sowie Informationen zum Einreichen:
In order to use language – to comprehend, produce, read, write or sign – users rely on stored linguistic knowledge at, among others, phonological, orthographic, lexical and semantic levels of representation. Acquiring stable representations during language development is key for successful use in later years. Research has shown that language users continue to acquire linguistic knowledge throughout the lifespan and that stored mental representations dynamically adjust in response to external pressures. The special issue is concerned with origins of variability in acquiring and using linguistic knowledge at any level of representation. We aim to bring together research on this topic, including empirical work as well as reviews and opinion pieces. We welcome behavioral and neurobiological work concerned with the representation and function of linguistic knowledge in individuals at any age. The overarching goal is to address the massive variability at each level of linguistic representation that exists between language users. Questions of interest are: ‘What are the contexts and factors that promote the acquisition of linguistic knowledge?’, ‘How does variability in linguistic knowledge impact language processing?’, ‘What is the link between neuronal representation and behavioral variability?’.
Manuscript submission information:
The Journal’s submission system is open for submissions to our Special Issue. Please submit your manuscript before December 31, 2023, for consideration in the Special Issue. When submitting your manuscript please go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/brainres/default2.aspx and select the article type “VSI: Linguistic knowledge”.
Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript. The Guide for Authors and link to submit your manuscript are available on the Journal’s homepage at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/crphys/default1.aspx
Inquiries, including questions about appropriate topics, may be sent electronically to: Florian.Hintz@uni-marburg.de or Johanna.Funk@uni-marburg.de