
Roland Kehrein: Dialektalität von Vorleseaussprache im diatopischenVergleich – Hörerurteil und phonetische Messung

How “High German” or “dialectal” do linguistically naive hearers judge comparable speech samples from a defined group of speakers to be? This article describes a study in which the dialectality of speech samples from the sixteen most important dialect formations (according to Wiesinger 1983) reading aloud was assessed in a total of eight auditory tests. The assessments were performed in each of the six major German dialect regions in order to test for possible influences due to the hearers’ origins. Statistical analyses failed to detect any such influences. A statistically highly significant correlation was found between the perceived level of dialectality and dialectality measurements based on a quantification of the phonetic distance of the speech samples from the pronunciation norm. A diatopic comparison of the origins of the speakers revealed a simultaneous decline from south to north and from east to west in terms of perceived and measured dialectality.