08.04.2021 International Webinar: Civil War Memory, Victims’ Narrative, and National Reconciliation in Algeria

Faouzia Zeraoulia

On 22 May 2021 (14:00- 20:00) Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia from the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies is hosting an international online workshop on ‘Civil War Memory, Victims’ Narratives and National Reconciliation in Algeria’.

Workshop program

The workshop is a part of the project entitled “The 1990s Civil War in Algeria: Victims’ Narratives, National Reconciliation, and Sustainable Peace”, under the supervision of Pr. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa. This project is funded by  the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The organizers seek at bringing together researchers from different academic fields who are interested in discussing the reconciliation policies, reparation politics, and victims’ narratives in Algeria. Thus, they invited academics from the fields of conflict studies, psychology, memory studies, and sociology. In addition, they invited activists who work on the ground directly with victims from different groups. Similar participation would allow us to understand the challenges that they face in the field and help us to develop new perspectives illuminating the grass-root peacebuilding strategies across the country.

Discussants will include Prof. Dr. Susanne Buckley-Zistel (Center for Conflict Studies), Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies) and Dr. Christoph H. Schwarz (Institute for Social Research, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University).

Topics covered: Victims’ narrative in Algeria; national reconciliation and peacebuilding; role of civil society organizations; trauma, forgiveness, and healing; gendered narrative; trauma and novels; the memory of the civil war and Al-Hirak; diaspora narratives and civil war memories; enforced disappearance and justice.

To participate, send an e-mail to Dr. Zeraouli: