
Book Launch: "Broken Solidarities" by Felix Anderl


28. Juli 2022 16:30 – 28. Juli 2022 17:30
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Felix Anderl launches his book “Broken Solidarities - How Open Global Governance Divides and Rules”. Join us for the discussion with Ayşe Zarakol (University of Cambridge), Nicole Deitelhoff (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt) and Nele Kortendiek (Goethe University Frankfurt). The event will be moderated by Thorsten Bonacker (Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg).

"Felix Anderl’s book is a stimulating analysis of the decline of social movements against the World Bank and the rise of a new form of transnational rule. Reflecting on the transnational mobilizations of the 1990s, the book examines activists’ struggles to sustain their momentum. It shows how the opening up of world economic institutions contributed to complex rule in global governance, creating access for some while weakening their critique and fragmenting the overall movement. The book bridges international relations and social movement studies to observe international organizations and social movements in their interaction, demonstrating how social movements are divided and ruled in the absence of a ruler." - Bristol University Press

Please register here for the event.