25.06.2021 Exam Registration School of Business and Economics, 1st exam period

Dear students,
Exam registration for the resit exams via Marvin has now started and ends on July 2, 2021 at midnight. Registrations can be withdrawn until July 19.
Please note that late registrations will not be accepted. Should you have any problems registering, please contact us during the registration period.
Please register NOW for exam parts such as essay, term papers, presentations and ungraded assignments (Studienleistungen). The resit exam period applies only to written exams (Klausuren). There will be a separate exam registration for the resit period from September 1-7, 2021.
Should you have any questions, please check the FAQ: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/universitaet/administration/verwaltung/stabsstellen/icm/faq/examination-management
Please always check your registration carefully and keep a screenshot or printout of the page listing your registrations in your files.
Examinations Office