Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan

Björn Vollan
Photo: Private


Contact information

+49 6421 28-23725 +49 6421 28-23780 bjoern.vollan@wiwi 1 Am Plan 1
35032 Marburg
U|07 Institutsgebäude (Room: 05a resp. 00005a)

I am a professor of economics and head of the research group "Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" at the University of Marburg. With my research I want to contribute to supporting change to a more sustainable and resource-conserving society. I consider myself to be a scholar in Sustainability Science who is committed to interdisciplinary and user-oriented research intrigued by developing and applying experimental designs in the field.

  • Office hours

    Wednesday, 11am - 12h  (only during the lecture period!)

    Please use ILIAS to register for an appointment

  • Research & teaching

    Some of my current and past research interests are a combination of the following topics:

    ·        Climate change adaptation and migration
    ·        Decentralized resource governance and participatory approaches
    ·        Experimental Games as research and learning tool
    ·        Behavioural diagnosis and change interventions
    ·        Co-evolution of social preferences with ecological, climatical and historical circumstances

    Please have a look at our research projects for our current work or OrcidID for my publications. Please contact me if you are interested in reading those but do not have access to the paper.

    My teaching portfolio covers Sustainable Development, Environmental, Ecological, Experimental and Behavioral Economics.

  • CV

    Since 2019: University Professor at the University of Marburg

    2015-2019: Robert Bosch Junior Professor for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources at the University of Marburg

    2012-2015: Assistant Professor for Environmental Economics at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria

    2010-2012: Post-doctoral Researcher at Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research Bremen

    2009-2010: Post-doctoral Researcher at University Mannheim (Department of Econometrics)

    Promotion at University Marburg (Dr. rer. pol.) (2009)

    Diplom Volkswirt at Universities Freiburg, Basel and Bergen (2003)

    (Please contact me directly in case you request more detailed information)

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