Main Content
Current Research
On this website we would like to present you our current research in more detail:

Prof. Dr. Ina Dietzsch interviewed by Carsten Wilhelm (Interfaces numériques Volume 11 - No. 1 | 2022)
«We are increasingly looking for complex structural models that try to capture processes of emergence, movement, subjectivations, materializations, stabilization, fluidization, etc., and to represent them in a reasonably adequate way, thereby engaging in a lively exchange of metaphors between the technical, natural and social sciences and the humanities.“
Link to Special Issue "Culture.s of Technics, innovation and communication: imaginaries, potentialities, utopias"

Vinzi-Dorf in Marburg
Prof. Dr. Manfred Seifert has been providing scientific support for the "Vinzi-Dorf Marburg" project since January 2022 and is a member of the project advisory board. He was inspired to do so by his closer involvement with the Marburg homeless project and the exhibition "Who's next?" at the Architekturmuseum der TU München in the Pinakothek der Moderne and its catalog.
Contact Prof. Dr. Manfred Seifert

Waterworlding is an umbrella for a wide range of events and activities around an ethnographic/cultural-theoretical approach to water in teaching and research at the Institute of European Ethnology and Studies in Culture and Historyat Marburg University in Germany. We are currently building up presentation forms for activities and research output on PECE Hamburg and STS infrastructures. In terms of content, the interest in Marburg primarily lies on the exploration of water as a technological experience and here especially on digital water.
Further information about the research focus "waterworlding"

Acoustic Ethnography of Everyday Life
„A renewed interest in the senses, then, leads to an intensified methodology, and inherently towards critical reflection on the ethical aspects of all scientific practices that concern human beings, and the epistemology it stands for. It compels us to reconsider who is in the power position to decide what true and valuable knowledge is, and for whome“ van Ede, Yalanda
Further information about the research focus "Acoustic ethnography"