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New THz Sources

Fig. 1: Schematic drawing of a TECSEL
In collaboration with Prof. Stephan Koch and the group for theoretical semiconductor physics and Prof. Moloney from the Optical Sciences Center in Tucson, the group could demonstrate a new powerful source for continuous-wave THz radiation in 2010. We call this source TECSEL which stands for Terahertz-emitting External Cavity Surface Emitting Laser.
In addition, the group studies new semiconductor materials for their suitability for photoconductive antennas. These investigations are carried out in collaboration with The Heinrich Hertz Institute.
Literature about TECSELs
M. Scheller et al., Room temperature continuous wave milliwatt terahertz Source, Opt. Exp.18, 27112 (2010) [doi].
M. Wichmann et al., Evolution of multi-mode operation in vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers, Opt. Exp. 21, 31940 (2013) [doi].
M. Wichmann et al., Interferometric characterization of a semiconductor disk laser-driven terahertz source, J. Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 35, 503 (2014) [doi].
Literature about photoconductive THz-antennas
J. Sigmund et al, Structure investigation of LTG-GaAsSb as a new material for photoconductive THz antennas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 252103 (2005) [doi].
K. Ezdi et al., A hybrid time-domain model for pulsed terahertz dipole antennas, Journal of the European Optical Society, 4, 09001 (2009) [doi].
R.J.B. Dietz et al., THz generation at 1.55 µm excitation: six-fold increase in THz conversion efficiency by separated photoconductive and trapping regions, Optics Express 19, 25911 (2011) [doi].
R.J.B. Dietz et al., 64 µW pulsed THz emission from growth optimized InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures with separated photoconductive and trapping regions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 061103 (2013) [doi].