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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 207. B. Kundu, P. Chakrabarty, A. Dhara, R. Rosati, C. Samanta, S. K. Chakraborty, S. Sahoo, S. Dhara, Saroj P. Dash, E. Malic, S. Lodha, P. K. Sahoo "Trion-Engineered Multimodal Transistors in Two-dimensional Bilayer Semiconductor Lateral Heterostructures", arXiv: 2411.01257
Multimodal device operations are essential to advancing the integration of 2D semiconductors in electronics, photonics, information and quantum technology. Precise control over carrier dynamics, particularly exciton generation and transport, is crucial for finetuning the functionality of optoelectronic devices based on 2D semiconductor heterostructure. However, the traditional exciton engineering methods in 2D semiconductors are mainly restricted to the artificially assembled vertical pn heterostructures with electrical or strain induced confinements. In this study, we utilized bilayer 2D lateral npn multijunction heterostructures with intrinsically spatially separated energy landscapes to achieve preferential exciton generation and manipulation without external confinement. In lateral npn FET geometry, we uncover unique and nontrivial properties, including dynamic tuning of channel photoresponsivity from positive to negative. The multimodal operation of these 2D FETs is achieved by carefully adjusting electrical bias and the impinging photon energy, enabling precise control over the trions generation and transport. Cryogenic photoluminescence measurement revealed the presence of trions in bilayer MoSe2 and intrinsic trap states in WSe2. Measurements in different FET device geometries show the multifunctionality of 2D lateral heterostructure phototransistors for efficient tuning and electrical manipulation of excitonic characteristics. Our findings pave the way for developing practical exciton-based transistors, sensors, multimodal optoelectronic and quantum technologies.
arXiv: 2411.01257Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 206. J. Jasiński, J. Hagel, S. Brem, E. Wietek, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Chernikov, N. Bruyant, M. Dyksik, A. Surrente, M. Baranowski, D. K. Maude, E. Malic, P. Płochocka "Quadrupolar Excitons in MoSe2 Bilayers", arXiv: 2407.18040
The quest for platforms to generate and control exotic excitonic states has greatly benefited from the advent of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers and their heterostructures. Among the unconventional excitonic states, quadrupolar excitons - a hybridized combination of two dipolar excitons with anti-aligned dipole moments - are of great interest for applications in quantum simulations and for the investigation of many-body physics. Here, we unambiguously demonstrate for the first time in natural MoSe2 homobilayers the emergence of quadrupolar excitons, whose energy shifts quadratically in electric field. In contrast to, so far reported trilayer systems hosting quadrupolar excitons, MoSe2 homobilayers have many advantages, a stronger interlayer hybridization, cleaner potential landscapes and inherent stability with respect to moiré potentials or post-stacking reconstruction. Our experimental observations are complemented by many-particle theory calculations offering microscopic insights in the formation of quadrupole excitons. Our results suggest TMD homobilayers as ideal platform for the engineering of excitonic states and their interaction with light and thus candidate for carrying out on-chip simulations.
arXiv: 2407.18040Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 205. B. Han, J. M. Fitzgerald, L. Lackner, R. Rosati, M. Esmann, F. Eilenberger, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Syperek, E. Malic, C. Schneider "Infrared magneto-polaritons in MoTe2 mono- and bilayers", arXiv: 2407.14902v1
MoTe2 monolayers and bilayers are unique within the family of van-der-Waals materials since they pave the way towards atomically thin infrared light-matter quantum interfaces, potentially reaching the important telecommunication windows. Here, we report emergent exciton-polaritons based on MoTe2 monolayer and bilayer in a low-temperature open micro-cavity in a joint experiment-theory study. Our experiments clearly evidence both the enhanced oscillator strength and enhanced luminescence of MoTe2 bilayers, signified by a 38 % increase of the Rabi-splitting and a strongly enhanced relaxation of polaritons to low-energy states. The latter is distinct from polaritons in MoTe2 monolayers, which feature a bottleneck-like relaxation inhibition. Both the polaritonic spin-valley locking in monolayers and the spin-layer locking in bilayers are revealed via the Zeeman effect, which we map and control via the light-matter composition of our polaritonic resonances.
arXiv: 2407.14902v1