01.04.2022 The Alpine Desmosome Disease Meeting: Registration and abtract submission are now open
The registration and abstract submission are now open for the The Alpine Desmosome Disease Meeting held at the Eibsee Hotel in Grainau, Germany, in 12-14 October 2022. The registration runs until Friday 15 July, 2022.

Scientific meetings are among the most rewarding aspects of life in research. Traveling to present one's data and share thoughts with experts world-wide is an essential driver of knowledge generation. It is also a basis for a balanced evaluation of your achievements and those of your peers, and supports a tolerant and open understanding of other cultures.
Register at the official website for The Alpine Desmosome Disease Meeting.
The meeting will gather experts and interested researchers in the field of desmosomes to better understand the complex pathogenesis of diseases such as pemphigus or arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy. The knowledge generated in this field in the future will have an impact on diagnosis and therapy and thus on the prognosis of these severe diseases. The focus of this meeting will be on the structure and regulation of desmosomes from a biomedical perspective.
To facilitate open-minded, fruitful discussions, the meeting organisers have chosen a place in one of the most marvelous and safe surroundings in the world which still is quite easily reached. The premises are beautifully located next to the Eibsee at the foot of the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain. There are ample opportunities to enjoy the surroundings with hikes and other activities.
We hope that you will be able to attend and actively participate to make this an exciting and fun meeting. Besides the poster session, we also have slots reserved during the sessions for oral presentations of excellent abstracts.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the meeting organizers if you have any questions.
Dr. Jens Waschke, MD
Tel.: +49 89 2180 27611
Mail: jens.waschke@med.uni-muenchen.de
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich