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Support the Museum of Religions / Religionskundliche Sammlung

With more than 10,000 artifacts from various religious traditions, the Museum of Religions / Religionskundliche Sammlung is one of the oldest non-confessional/secular collections in Europe and the only museum in Germany that takes a comparative approach to multiple religions and worldviews. While it is an invaluable source of scientific, social, and historical knowledge, the collection also poses major challenges in terms of storage, restoration, research, and exposition.
Your donation contributes to the preservation and improvement of the collection.
Donations to the association for museum development:
Förderverein für die Religionskundliche Sammlung und das Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft in Marburg e. V.
IBAN: DE90 4306 0967 6025 8687 00
BLZ: 430 609 67 (GLS Bank)
The goals of the association (FöReMa) are to support the museum, particularly in the preservation, research, and display of the artifacts in the collection, as well as in its role in teaching, research, and public relations. Its objective is also to support religious studies as a scientific discipline, both financially and theoretically.
Development association’s website and Flyer.
Donations to the Museum of Religions:
Universitätskasse Marburg
IBAN: DE30 5335 0000 0000 0001 08
Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf
Verwendungszweck: Spende 845 030 01
Artefact Donations
The museum gladly accepts artefacts that complement the existing collection and which have a known provenance. If you wish to donate an object(s), please make an appointment with the museum curator, Dr. Susanne Rodemeier, or with the museum director, Prof. Dr. Edith Franke. Appointments can be made by calling: +49 6421-28 22480.