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Doctoral student representation
Welcome to the General Office of Doctoral Student Representation (Allgemeine Promovierendenvertretung) at Philipps-Universität Marburg!
The best thing to do is to subscribe directly to our e-mail distribution list
We usually hold our meetings on Wednesdays in the evening. Do you have any concerns and would like to talk to us? Then please stop by and join us; so we can plan better, it’s best to write us an e-mail beforehand.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen What are our goals?
We would like to serve as fair and knowledgeable representatives of all doctoral students advocating for our concerns on the university’s interdisciplinary committees. According to the university’s bylaws, for now there isn’t an entitlement to vote on these bodies yet, as no new status group is being created. However, the doctoral student representatives have an advisory function and can, for example, advocate for the reassignment of doctoral students to a uniform status group.
On what topics can representatives provide concrete help to those committees? doctoral degree program rulesFor example, doctoral degree program regulations, doctoral project supervision, qualification positions, awarding of fellowships and prizes, continuing education and training, fair allocation of administrative tasks, funding of research trips and projects, and much more.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Members
Lisa Beer
FB 01 (Law)Jasmin Afrahi
FB 02 (Economics)Karsten Konrad Zolna
FB 02 (Economics)Nils Vief
FB 03 (Political Science)Lea Reiff
FB 09 (German Language and Literature, Fine Arts)Hanna Völker
FB 09 (German Language and Literature, Fine Arts)Henrike Arnold
FB 10 (World Language Philologies)Florian Gödel
FB 10 (World Language Philologies)Mehmood Ali Kahn
FB 10 (Middle Eastern Studies)Lara Heidrich
FB 13 (Physics)Jochen Taiber
FB 13 (Physics)Igor Martin
FB 15 (Chemistry)Pratiti Rout
FB 17 (Biology) / FB 20 (Medicine)Madeleine Killer
FB 20 (Human Biology)Maria Schnur
FB 20 (Human Medicine)Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Election Regulations
§1 Doctoral student representation
(1) The doctoral student representatives represent the interests of all doctoral students at Philipps-Universität Marburg. This applies regardless of the affiliation to any of the status groups mentioned in §33(3) Hesse Higher Education Act, membership in the Marburg University Research Academy (MARA), or acceptance as a doctoral candidate in a department at Philipps-Universität Marburg.
(2) The doctoral student representatives will perform the duties specified under §1a Basic Regulations of Philipps-Universität Marburg. For this purpose, the latter will appoint one or more persons from among its members as representatives.
(3) The doctoral student representatives will consist of at least one and at most 16 members.
§2 General Assembly of Doctoral Students
(1) The General Assembly of Doctoral Students will discuss issues concerning doctoral students at Philipps-Universität Marburg. The latter may make recommendations to the doctoral student representatives.
(2) All persons specified under §1 may participate in the General Assembly of Doctoral Students, including those who do not have the right vote under §3.
(3) The doctoral student representatives will convene the General Assembly of Doctoral Students as needed, but at least once every 16 months. An invitation to the General Assembly of Doctoral
Students should reach as many doctoral students as possible. The notice period prior to convening this meeting, including the agenda, is one month.
§3 Active and passive voting rights
As defined by these Election Regulations, anyone who has been accepted as a doctoral candidate at an academic unit at Philipps-Universität Marburg at the time of the election is eligible to vote. The basis of the Election Roll is the electronic registration system for doctoral candidates at Philipps-Universität Marburg. Each and every eligible voter has the active and passive right to vote for doctoral student representatives.
§4 Election procedure
(1) The members of the body of doctoral student representatives are elected by free, direct, equal and secret election. The term of office is 16 months. Reelection is possible.
(2) The election of doctoral student representatives is conducted by the General Assembly of Doctoral Students. It is possible to vote by mail upon request.
(3) The election will be held on the basis of individual nominations in accordance with the principals of relative majority or plurality voting. Each and every person entitled to vote may cast as many votes as there are candidates available, but no more than the number of positions to be filled. Each and every person entitled to vote may cast no more than one vote per candidate. The candidate who receives the majority of the votes cast is elected. The positions are filled by descending order of the number of votes until the maximum number of seats has been reached. In the event that, according to the results of the election, the last seat to be filled would have to be filled by more than one candidate, a run-off election will be held in which the candidate with the most votes will be awarded that position.
(4) Prior to each election, an election committee will be appointed with the responsibility for conducting the elections and announcing the results of them
(5) The election may be held digitally if required. The anonymity of the election must always be ensured.
§5 Effective date
These Election Regulations come into effect with the Resolution of the First General Assembly of Doctoral Students. Amendments can be adopted at any time by the General Assembly of Doctoral Students.
Last amended in February 2022. This information has been provided without liability.
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