Abenteuer- und Erlebnispädagogik / Adventure and Experiential Education (M.A.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Betriebswirtschaftslehre / Business Administration (M.Sc.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Business Informatics (M.Sc.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Cultural Data Studies (M.A.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Data Science (M.Sc.) | English or German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Economics and Institutions (M.Sc.) | English | winter and summer semester | EAP |
Economics of the Middle East (EMEA) (M.Sc.) | English | winter and summer semester | EAP |
Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft / Educational Science (M.A.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte / European Economic and Social History (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | EAP |
Friedens- und Konfliktforschung / Peace and Conflict Studies (M.A.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Geschichte / History (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | EAP |
Geschichte der internationalen Politik / History of International Relations (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | EAP |
Interkulturelle Betriebswirtschaftslehre/ Intercultural Business Studies (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
International Business Management (M.Sc.) (Double Degree) | German | winter semester | restricted |
International Political Economy (M.Sc.) (Double Degree) | English | winter semester | EAP |
Kognitive und Integrative Systemneurowissenschaften / Cognitive and Integrative Systems Neuroscience (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Linguistik: Kognition und Kommunikation / Linguistics: Cognition and Communication (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Molekulare und Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften / Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Motologie und Psychomotorik / Motology and Psychomotricity (M.A.) | German | winter semester | restricted |
Nah- und Mitteloststudien / Middle Eastern Studies (M.A.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
North America Studies (M.A.) | English | winter semester | non-restricted |
Peace and Conflict Studies (International Joint Degree, M.A.) | English | winter semester | Admission via University of Kent |
Physische Geographie / Physical Geography (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Politik und Wirtschaft des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens / Middle Eastern Politics and Economics (M.A.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Politikwissenschaft / Political Science (M.A.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Politische Integration und wirtschaftliche Globalisierung / Political Integration and economic Globalisation (M.A.) | German | winter semester | EAP |
Prähistorische Archäologie / Geoarchäologie / Prehistorical Archaeology / Geoarchaeology (M.Sc.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Quantitative Accounting and Finance (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Religionswissenschaft / Study of Religions (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie / Social and Cultural Anthropology (M.A.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |
Soziologie: Gesellschaftliche Ordnungen im Wandel / Sociology: Societies and Social Orders in Transition (M.A.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Sustainable Development / Sustainable Development (M.Sc.) | English | winter semester | EAP |
Wirtschaftsgeographie / Economic Geography (M.Sc.) | German | winter semester | non-restricted |
Wirtschaftsmathematik / Business Mathematics(M.Sc.) | German | winter and summer semester | non-restricted |