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Credits – ECTS – Credit hours – Workload
The size of a module is expressed by the number of credits (LP), credit points (CP) or ECTS (European Credit Transfer System credits) assigned to it. Credits are not assessments or grades but represent the average amount of time – the workload – required to complete a module, including attendance times in class, preparation and follow-up work, examination times and internships. One credit corresponds to an average workload of 30 hours.
Credits are awarded only after successful completion of the course, i.e. once you have passed all the required examinations. However, this is not a performance assessment – rather, it indicates that you have met the minimum requirements and the course is recognized as attended.
For example, a module where you earn 12 LP if you pass the module examination requires about 360 hours of work. If you are studying full-time, you are expected to complete around 30 LP per semester. This corresponds to 900 hours – so your student working week can easily reach 40 hours.

On average, you should therefore earn 30 CP or LP per semester in order to complete your degree program within the allotted time (standard period of study).