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Transcript of Record, Certificate, Grades

  • Workload

    Each academic seminar is comprised of 70 hours (in class) plus study time for preparatory work and homework. A seminar consists of:

    Preparatory Course Work:
    Preparatory texts (available mid-December via the online learning platform ILIAS). The texts are an introduction to the seminar topic and relevant for the course. 

    Seminar Sessions :
    The ten sessions (each from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., including a lunch break) take place between January 16 - 27. A seminar consists of lectures and practical lab work. 

    Some seminars offer an accompaning tutorial. The tutorial will further discuss the seminar topics.

    The German language course is comprised of 30 hours (in class) plus study time for preparatory work and homework. Each courseconsists of:

    Five Seminar Sessions (each from 09 a.m. - 4 p.m.):
    The sessions will take place between January 09-13.

  • ECTS Credits

    The academic seminar will be awarded 6 ECTS upon successful completion. 

    The German language course will  be awarded 3 ECTS when successfully completed. An sample transcript can be found below. 

  • Grades

    IWU uses the grading system of Philipps-Universität Marburg according to the following scale: From 15 (best grade) to 5 (still passing). If you obtain less than 5 points as your final grade, you will fail the class and cannot receive ECTS credits. The transcripts will always contain exclusively German/Philipps-Universität grades. Have a look at a sample transcript below which lists grades, contact hours and European credits. It also shows a regular course load for one IWU program.

  • Attendance

    If more than one session is missed unexcused, it will result in failing the class. This will be stated on the transcript. Missed sessions due to medical or other serious reasons need to be communicated to the program coordinators. A doctor's note is required in the case of medical reasons. 
    Missed sessions need to be discussed with the teacher. Maybe additional course work can be handed in to successfully complete the class and receive credit. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. 
