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Registration will open August 2024.
Registration Guide
Required documents:
- Transcript of Records
- Freemover application form signed by home institution.* The document can be downloaded during the application process.
*The document is not required for students from partner universities and institutions.Step-by-Step Guide
1) Click on the registration button and fill in the required information.
2) You will receive an email with your login name and a link to our online portal.
3) Following the link, you will be asked to log in with your login name and your birthdate, then you will set a password for your account.
4) With this password you can enter your workflow of our online portal. Please complete the following steps:
a. Personal information
b. Contact information at your home university
c. Statement of motivation
d. Upload your transcript of records
e. Upload freemover application form (signed by your university)
5) Your application will be reviewed by the IWU team. This may take up to five business days.
6) If you are nominated by a partner university, or as a participant with the Hessen program, you will receive an acceptance email with a request to log in to your workflow and select your seminars.
7) If you participate as a freemover student, you will receive an acceptance email with an invoice. The fees must be transferred within 14 days and a proof of payment needs to be uploaded once the payment is issued, as international payments usually take longer.
Once the payment is confirmed, you will receive an email with a request to log in to your workflow and select your seminars.8) You will select one module for week 2 and one for week 3. Please note that there is a limit on participants and that seminars cannot be selected once they are full. If there are any questions about the seminars, please get in touch with us.
9) Once everything is completed, you will receive a confirmation email with final information regarding the program.
Feel free to contact us anytime, if you have questions or issues with the application process.