
Alexandra N. Lenz / Timo Ahlers / Martina Werner: Zur Dynamik bairischer Dialektsyntax - eine Pilotstudie 

Thematically, this article can be placed in the domain of syntactic variation studies. The areal focus presented here is the contiguous Bavarian linguistic area in the southeast of Germany, Austria (excluding Vorarlberg), and northern Italy (South Tyrol). The empirical basis for this discussion was  furnished by an extensive pilot study for which two generations of dialect speakers completed an indirect survey. In summary, the results provide evidence for how profitable the combination of informant selection criteria and the survey methodes pursued here can be (illustrated using the following example phenomena: „article doubling“, „negation doubling“, and „complementizer agreement“). In addition to the mere documentation of the areal distribution of some syntactic dialect features, the study's methodological conception also offers the opportunity of analyzing the dynamics of dialect syntax.