06.07.2022 We are pleased to welcome Anna Katila as a guest researcher!

Foto: Privat

We are delighted to welcome Anna Katila as a guest researcher at the Centre for Conflict Studies in Marburg. She recently obtained her PhD in Comparative Literature and War Studies at King’s College London. Her research interests include transitional justice, cultural and creative narratives about violence and its aftermath, international criminal tribunals, gender and social inequality.

Anna’s thesis explored legal and creative narratives about the aftermath of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and the Yugoslav Wars, focusing on ways in which transitional justice goals are constructed in narratives. Her recent article ‘Unearthing Ambiguities: Post-Genocide Justice in Raoul Peck’s Sometimes in April and the ICTR case Nahimana et al.’, published in The International Journal of Transitional Justice, examines critical potential of arts that circulate transnationally to contribute towards understandings of justice.

Currently, she conducts pilot research on narratives about reconfiguration of gender dynamics in the aftermath of mass atrocity with an aim to consolidate and develop a new multi-year research project that unpacks hierarchies of voices that shape outside perceptions of local realities.

Anna’s stay is funded by a Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) short-term grant that is available for postdoctoral research.