
Assoziierte Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen

Dimitris Soudias

  • CV

    Dimitris Soudias is a visiting fellow at the Center for Conflict Studies. Previously, he was the head of library and information at the Goethe-Institut Athens, where he designed and implemented a major reconceptualization of the library together with his team. Here, he practically employed his theoretical work on and with the commons movement in Greece for the purpose of conceiving of the library a space of commoning open (access to) knowledge against the backdrop of the creeping economization and capitalization of everyday life.

    He also held research fellowships at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies at Philipps University Marburg, and at the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies at the Free University of Berlin. He was also a visiting fellow at the Collaborative Research Center “Dynamics of Security. Processes of Securitization in historical perspective” at Philipps University Marburg, and a consultant with the Yemen Polling Center, Sana’a.

    Dimitris received his doctoral training in political science (Summa Cum Laude) from Philipps University Marburg. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Middle East Studies from the American University in Cairo and a Dipl. Pol. in Political Science from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

  • Publications

    Soudias, Dimitris. (2014). Negotiating Space: The Evolution of the Egyptian Street, 2000-2011. Cairo & New York: The American University in Cairo Press.

    Edited Journal Issues
    Soudias, Dimitris & Sydiq, Tareq. (2020). Theorizing the Spatiality of Protest. Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest, 8(1).

    Fischer-Tahir, Andrea & Soudias, Dimitris. (2015). Periphery. Middle East-Topics & Arguments, Vol. 5.

    Soudias, Dimitris. (2020). Spatializing Radical Political Imaginaries. Neoliberalism, Crisis, and Transformative Experience in the Syntagma Square Occupation in Greece. Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest, 8(1): 4-27.

    Fischer-Tahir, Andrea & Soudias, Dimitris. (2015). Reconfiguring Periphery: Localizing Spatial Dependencies of Capitalism in West Asia and North Africa. Middle East-Topics & Arguments, Vol. 5: 5-12.

    Soudias, Dimitris. (2015). Policing January 25: Protest, Tactics, and Territorial Control in Egypt’s 2011 Uprising. Middle East-Topics & Arguments, Vol. 4: 170-182.

    Book Chapters
    Soudias, Dimitris. (2018). “On the Spatiality of Square Occupations. Lessons from Tahrir and Syntagma.” In Andy Robinson and Alissa Starodub (Eds.), Riots and Militant Occupations. Smashing a System, Building a World. London & New York: Rowman & Littlefield: 75-95.

    Schumann, Christoph & Soudias, Dimitris (2013). "Präsenz und Raum in der Arabischen Revolte. Ägypten im Jahr 2011." In Christoph Ernst and Heike Paul (Eds.), Präsenz und Implizites Wissen. Zur Interdependenz zweier Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Bielefeld: Transcript: 297-318.

    Policy Reports
    Soudias, Dimitris & Transfeld, Mareike (2014). "Mapping Popular Perceptions: Local Security, Insecurity and Police Work in Yemen.” Policy Report (Vol. 3). Sana’a: Yemen Polling Center.