03.11.2022 Exam Registration at the School of Business and Economics, first exam period

Dear students,
Exam registration (and withdrawal from registrations) for the first exam period of the winter semester via Marvin has started on October 17 and ends on January 23, 2023 at midnight. Please note that late registrations will not be accepted. Should you have any problems registering, please contact us during the registration period. Please always check your registrations carefully.
You have to be registered before you take an examination or do course work. This applies not only to the written examinations at the end of the semester but also to ungraded assignments, presentations, worksheets or term papers. We would advise you to register as as early as possible in order to be able to correct your course selection if necessary. There is only one exception: You do not have to register for the module Key Qualifications.
Should you have any questions about registering for exams in Marvin, please check the FAQ: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/universitaet/administration/verwaltung/stabsstellen/icm/faq/examination-management or contact the examinations office.
Registration for the resit period will be possible from January 24 to March 13, 2023.
Should you need assistance with the Tan-Tokens, please contact the University’s computer centre: https://www.uni-marburg.de/2fa
Best regards,
Dr. Regine Reck
Examinations Office