13.10.2021 Information on international vaccination certificates

To all international members of the university
Dear international students and members of staff,
I am very happy to welcome you to Marburg. It is great that international exchange is once again connected with physical presence.
Before the courses start next week, I would like to give you some organisational information that might be relevant for you in particular:
If you have already received a vaccination abroad, please check to what extent the vaccine is approved in the EU.
Currently, these are the following vaccines: Comirnaty (BionTech/Pfizer), Spikevax (Moderna), VaxZevria (AstraZeneca), Covid-19 Vaccine Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).
You can find an up-to-date list at: https://www.pei.de/DE/newsroom/dossier/coronavirus/coronavirus-inhalt.html?nn=169730&cms_pos=3.
If you have been vaccinated with an unapproved vaccine, you will need to be fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine.
The vaccination series can be started with a minimum interval of 28 days from the last vaccination (https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/COVID-Impfen/gesamt.html). You are welcome to take advantage of our next vaccination action day on 18 October!
Further information can be found here: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/universitaet/administration/sicherheit/coronavirus/corona-faq/impfungen-fuer-studierende/impfungen-fuer-studierende
To make it easier for everyone to access courses, please have your vaccination certificates transferred to the CovPass app or the Corona warning app if possible. Please have your certificate ready at the entrance to the course.
The necessary vaccination certificate can be obtained by EU citizens upon presentation of the vaccination certificate and a translation at pharmacies.
If you have been vaccinated with an approved vaccine and at the same time a transfer is not possible, the legal department will prepare a certificate that is only valid within the university. Please make an appointment for this with Ms Grgic, irina.grgic@verwaltung.uni-marburg.de.
To avoid delays for the first events, we recommend that you use a supervised self-test offered by the University if your vaccination certificate could not yet be transferred.
Tests are offered from Monday to Friday from 7.40-9.30 a.m. at the following locations:
Alte UB, Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 4, from 18.10.2021.
Mehrzweckverfügungsgebäude, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 6, from 25.10.2021.
In addition, if you have been vaccinated with an unapproved vaccine or cannot receive a vaccination for health reasons, you have the opportunity to receive free antigen tests at test centres until 31.12.21.
If you have any questions, please contact me at corona@uni-marburg.de!
I wish you a good start to the semester!
Kind regards
Evelyn Korn