08.03.2021 Information on the summer term at the School of Business and Economics # 1

Dear students,
First, we hope that you are well and that you can use the current time, after lectures and first exams, to recover from the unusual year 2020 and to recharge your batteries for the upcoming summer semester.
The President's Office of the Philipps University decided to continue teaching at a distance - digitally supported - and, considering the infection protection measures, in presence. Whether and which courses take place in attendance depends on the type of course and the current state of the pandemic, as well as on the regulatory situation. Therefore, a step-by-step concept now regulates the implementation of face-to-face teaching. The current level is continuously adapted to the pandemic situation. Accordingly, most of the courses in our department are offered online in the summer semester. However, we plan to offer you face-to-face teaching at didactically useful places, provided the situation allows it, and subject to appropriate hygiene rules. These courses are currently in the approval process; we will inform you as soon as possible.
This e-mail should also help you to plan your course of study in the summer semester at an early stage: The course catalogue for the whole university will be published March 15th in MARVIN. Course registrations in MARVIN is open starting March 22nd. Please register for your courses by April 8th the latest (seminars or special courses may be excluded from this). Course registration is important as it enableslecturers to send you the access data for your ILIAS courses and / or online meetings. The lecture period then begins on April 12th and ends on July 16. You can find other important dates in our semester calendar online.
An outlook on the examination phase of the summer semester: Due to the migration of the examination management into MARVIN (previously: LSF/QIS) and the subsequent checks and cleanups, and allowing time for the registration period, our first examination sit will start the second week after the end of the lectures, running from July 26th to August 6th. The second exam phase will then take place from September 17th to 30th.
Finally, some important links:
- The information from the University of Marburg on the corona situation can be found here: uni-marburg.de/corona, that of the Department of Economics here: www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb02/corona-fb02
- If you have any questions or technical problems, please continue to contact our departmental support at digitale-lehre20@wiwi.uni-marburg.de
- Please also note the last e-mail from Vice President Prof. Dr. Korn and the implementing regulations, especially if topics like last examinations attempts, extended standard period of study, or extended student loans are relevant for you.
Of course, we are still there for you and will be happy to answer any questions - and of course any suggestions.
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Dr. Regine Reck and Kai Brenneke
for the School of Business and Economics
Student Advisory Service