18.02.2020 Accounting & Finance Research Group with a contribution accepted at FMA European Conference 2020 in Limassol

Bild der EFMA 2019 Glasgow
Foto: FMA

The team of the Accounting & Finance Research Group will be represented at this year's European Conference of the Financial Management Association (FMA) in Limassol/Zypern with one project. The working paper "Among Peers: The Impact of Homophily in Online Investments", which was created in collaboration with Daniel Czaja (Research Group of Financial Services, Gießen University) and the Accounting & Finance Research Group (Prof. Stolper/Philipp Ritter), was accepted and will be presented at the conference on June 10-12, 2020. We are looking forward on the presentation of the project and the constructive discussions on our research results in Limassol.