Behavioral Finance Thesis Award In winter term 2023, the Chair of Behavioral Finance will again award the prize for the best thesis in the field of Behavioral Finance.
Recent study "Fund Manager Narcissim" picked up by Institutional Money
Recent study "Got Skin in the Game?" picked up by Institutional Money
Behavioral Finance Thesis Award In 2023, the Chair of Behavioral Finance will again award the prize for the best thesis in the field of Behavioral Finance.
Application procedure for the Masters Seminar Empirical Finance "Germany, how are you doing financially?"
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lecture Christian Fleischer | THI Investments We are looking forward to an exciting guest lecture in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lecture Raul Porojan| Project A We are looking forward to an exciting guest lecture in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
Behavioral Finance Thesis Award | Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf In 2023, the Chair of Behavioral Finance will award the prize for the best thesis in the field of behavioral finance for the first time.
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lecture Niklas Jansen | Blinkist We are looking forward to an exciting guest lecture in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lecture Andreas Lukic | ValueNet Capital Partners GmbH We are looking forward to an exciting guest lecture in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
Canadian financial platform "Investment Executive" picks up on recent study on narcissism among fund managers
Two recent BFRG studies presented at DGF 2022.
Anna-Lena Bauer successfully defends her dissertation - the Behavioral Finance Research Group congratulates!
Capital+ picks up on our recent study on narcissism among fund managers
Morningstar presents our latest study on narcissism to fund managers
Study "Fund Manager Narcissism" picked up by US financial platform MarketWatch
Current study "Fund Manager Narcissism" presented at SGF conference
Entrepreneurial Finance | Grading and Review
Behavioral Finance | Grading and Review
Seminar "Germany, how are you doing financially? Insights from the Panel on Household Finances" (M.Sc.)
Current research paper by Prof. Dr. Stolper, Dr. Michel Becker and Prof. Dr. Walter published in Journal of Banking Law and Banking
Behavioral Finance: Active versus Passive Portfolio Management The traditional 'Battle of the Concepts' between Ingo Meinert (Allianz Global Investors) and Thomas Meyer zu Drewer (Lyxor International Asset Management) is back!
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lecture Tobias Zöller | VC Trade We are looking forward to an exciting guest lecture in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
BFGA 2021 also virtually a great success
Entrepreneurial Finance: Guest Lectures MAFEX and MEDICALS We are looking forward to exciting guest lectures in the module Entrepreneurial Finance
How can positive real returns and long-term savings goals be achieved in times of zero interest-rate policy ? Guest article by Oscar Stolper in the Süddeutsche Zeitung
Study on the comprehensibility of financial product information published in the Journal of Consumer Policy Can investors understand product information for mutual funds? Oscar Stolper and Dominik Scheld are investigating this research question together with Andreas Walter from the Justus Liebig University of Gießen in their current study “Double Dutch Finally Fixed? A Large-Scale Investigation into the Readability of Mandatory Financial Product Information”. The study has now being published in the Journal of Consumer Policy.
Oscar Stolper on the podcast Finanzcocktail Prof. Dr. Oscar Stolper talks with Lisa from the VisualVest GmbH about the savings behavior of Germans as well as the systematic deviations private individuals frequently make when investing their money and how they can be effectively avoided in the future.
The Behavioral Finance Research Group is part of an interdisciplinary project funded by ZEVEDI with 450,000 euros!
New website for interested prospective students
Ankündigung_MSc-Seminar_Insights from the Panel on Household Finance_EN.pdf
Oscar Stolper and Lukas Brenner are awarded with the Intergenerational Justice Prize 2020 Oscar Stolper and Lukas Brenner were awarded the Intergenerational Justice Prize 2020 for their study Mind the gap: inheritance and inequality in retirement wealth.
Department's best thesis of 2019 supervised at the Behavioral Finance Research Group
Welcome to the Behavioral Finance Research Group!
Oscar Stolper receives master-teaching award of the School of Business and Economics
Accounting & Finance Research Group with a contribution accepted at FEBS Conference 2020
120,000 Euro research grant for current project at the Accounting & Finance Institute
Accounting & Finance Research Group with a contribution accepted at EFMA 29th Annual Conference 2020 in Dublin
Accounting & Finance Research Group with a contribution accepted at FMA European Conference 2020 in Limassol
Guest lecture by Helaba Digital Lucie Haß (managing director) provides insights into corporate venture capital
Guest lecture by vc trade Tobias Zöller (Founder and COO) provides insights into a marketplace for debt instruments
Article regarding study on Robo-Advisor as a substitute for conventional financial consulting published on news page RIA-Intel Study on Robo-Advisor
Dominik Scheld presents his dissertation project at the DGF doctoral seminar DGF-Conference
Junior Professorship Accounting & Finance on Canoeing Trip Joint canoeing trip with colleagues from the Chair of Financial Services (Prof. Dr. Walter; Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
International Doctoral Seminar Banking and Finance 2019 Junior Professorship Accounting & Finance at the International Doctoral Seminar Banking and Finance 2019
Prof. Dr. Stolper awarded 2019 research prize of the Department of Business and Economics Best Paper Award 2019 for Prof. Dr. Stolper
Junior Professorship in Accounting & Finance accepted at VHB Annual Conference 2019 with two contributions VHB-Conference
Junior Professorship Accounting & Finance with two contributions accepted at FMA European Conference 2019 in Glasgow FMA European Conference 2019
Current research work by Prof. Dr. Stolper in the Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper Series "The Nonlinear Dynamics of Corporate Bond Spreads: Regime-Dependent Effects of their Determinants" has been published with the Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper Series.
Prof. Dr. Stolper receives Bachelor-teaching award
Oscar Stolper on Money, Markets & Machines Prof. Dr. Oscar Stolper discusses with Nicolas Zeitler which systematic mistakes private individuals make particularly frequently when investing money and how they can be effectively avoided.
Admission Procedure for the Master's Courses "Quantitative Methods in Empirical Finance" and "Case Studies in Entrepreneurial Finance"
Stiftung für die Wissenschaft supports current research project of the Behavioral Finance Research Group with 60,000 euros
Fireside Chat with JP Morgan
Visit your financial advisor - podcast with Prof. Dr. Stolper