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Head of the Research Group
Prof. Dr. Oscar A. Stolper

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35032 Marburg
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Prof. Dr. Oscar Stolper has held the professorship of Behavioral Finance in the Department of Economics at Philipps-Universität Marburg since 2020, where he previously held the junior professorship of Accounting & Finance since 2014. Oscar Stolper's research focuses on empirical capital market research and behavioural finance. In particular, he investigates the decision-making behaviour of private households in their role as capital market participants. He is currently working on a research project funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation on the effectiveness of product information for investment funds. In another current research project funded by ZEVEDI, Oscar Stolper is also currently conducting research as a member of an interdisciplinary project group headed by Prof. Dr. Katja Langenbucher (Goethe University Frankfurt) on the growing challenges that artificial intelligence, as a central driver of the modern financial sector, poses for the design of supervisory regulation of financial market players.
Oscar Stolper achieves international visibility for his research by presenting his project results at professional conferences in Germany and abroad as well as by publishing studies in renowned academic journals such as the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Banking and Finance. The transfer of his research findings into financial practice and, in particular, their communication to a broad public in regular contributions to the press, radio, TV and podcasts is also a particular concern of his.
Oscar Stolper is the current Chairman of the Board of the German Society for Financial Economics (DGF) and is also actively involved in numerous academic networks. He studied International Business Administration at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and completed his doctorate at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen under Prof. Dr. Walter, where he had been a research assistant at the Chair of Financial Services since 2009. His doctoral project was funded with the dissertation scholarship of the Stiftung Kapitalmarktforschung für den Finanzstandort Deutschland.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Research Interests
• Household and Behavioral Finance
• Mutual Funds and Fund Managers – funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
• Empirical Capital Market ResearchInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Selected Publications
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Grants & Awards
2021 Financial support of the research project "Künstliche Intelligenz und Finance – Innovation, Resilienz und Verantwortung" by Zentrum verantwortungsbewusste Digitalisierung (ZEVEDI) 2020 Intergenerational Justice Prize for “Mind the gap: inheritance and inequality in retirement wealth” (Intergenerational Justice Review 6(2), 63-72) 2020 Financial support of the research project "Mutual fund information disclosure: regulatory compliance, signaling, and investor response" by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung 2019 Best Behavioral Finance Paper Award for “Birds of a Feather: The Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice” (Review of Financial Studies 32(2), 524-563) 2019 Best Research Award of the Department of Business & Economics at University of Marburg 2018 Best Teaching Award (Bachelor) of the Department of Business & Economics at University of Marburg 2017 Best Research Award of the Department of Business & Economics at University of Marburg 2010 -
2013Ph.D. scholarship granted by Stiftung Kapitalmarktforschung für den Finanzstandort Deutschland Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Additional Activities
Participation in the Scientific Advisory Board of the Working Committee on Financial Analysis for Private Households (NA 159-02-15 AA), Services Standards Committee (NADL) of the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) Member of the research group Nordic Finance and the Good Society of the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Activity as consultant for the German Research Foundation (DFG), Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money as well as for numerous scientific conferences Member of the Corporate and Household Finance Research Group and the Securities Holdings Statistics (SHS) Network of the Deutsche Bundesbank Member of the Wissenschaftliche Kommission Bankbetriebslehre/Finanzierung (WK BA-FI) of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VHB) Chairman of the Executive Board of the German Society for Financial Economics (DGF) Member of the Advisory Board for Research Data Management at the Philipps-Universität Marburg