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Useful hints

You will receive basic information about our exams in an appropriate time before the end of the lecture period in the respective courses, so that you can benefit from our instructions in your preparations for the exam.

In preparation, a look at past exams can be helpful:

Ausländische Studierende am PC
Foto: Felix Wesch

Mikroökonomie 1
Mock exam
Mikroökonomie 2
WS11/12 (first date)

Theoretical Institutional Economics

You can find the password for the exams at our bill-board - telephone or written inquiries will not be answered.
The password is valid for all exams of the chair of Microeconomics and is therefore not identical to the Ilias password.

How to review your exams

After all exams have been corrected and the grades have been submitted to the examination office, you will be given the opportunity to review your exam. Please note that for organizational reasons, the inspection is only possible by registering to the communicated inspection dates.
You are prevented at the appointment? That's no problem - you can also review your exam at a later inspection date. We offer you an inspection session after each exam phase.

  • Next inspection date

    Exam review (Intermediate Microeconomics)

    (day) (date) (time) in room +1/0114 in Altes Amtsgericht, Universitätsstr. 24

    Registration until (date) (time)

  • How to register for the inspection date

    If you would like to review your written exam, please send an e-mail with the following information to at the latest registration deadline mentioned above:

    matriculation number, 
    module name, e.g. Microeconomics,
    1st exam date, e.g. 2nd appointment WT 2020/21 

    Please note: You will not receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your e-mail. On (day) (date) you will find the exact date of your personal review. In the document you will find your matriculation number as well as the time and place of the insight.

  • Process of reviewing your exam

    Please appear on time for the assigned reviewing date. Furthermore, the following instructions must be observed: Please bring your student ID as well as an official photo ID so that we can determine your identity. If you are personally prevented from viewing at an appointed time, you may send a person who has been given a written authorization to represent you, or you may attend a later inspection session yourself. Transcript or copying / photographing the exam is not permitted.

  • Actualization of the appointments

    Internet pages are buffered at certain positions („caches“). To release a user's computer, the saved pages are not reloaded when recalled. Thus, it can be that the user sees the old version of a web page, although it was already updated. The website can be reloaded by pressing Ctrl + F5. In this case, the cache is not used.

    Please pay particular attention to this if, for example, dates for exams reviews are published at short notice.